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on call

来源: 时间:2024-08-20 16:38:03 浏览量:



In theory I'm on call day and night. 从理论上说,我现在昼夜待命。

See if you can rework your schedule and come up with practical ways to reduce the number of hours you're on call. 看看能不能修改你的日程安排表,想出切实可行的办法来减少你值班的时间。

Doctor Liu is on call at all times. 不论什么时候刘医生随叫随到。

Robots that some expected to be on call were conspicuously absent. 本以为能随时待命的机器人明显缺席了。

Swisscom CEO Carsten schloter, 49, had trouble with being on call 24/ 7. 49岁的瑞士电信公司(Swisscom)首席执行官卡斯滕•施洛特被每天24小时不间断的电话骚扰得不胜其烦。

Naturally, the approach has proved popular with firms that have long relied on call centers to generate new business. 有些公司长期以来一直非常依赖电话销售开展新业务,他们非常欢迎这种广告形式。

So would I have liked to hear A.G. on the call this morning? 那么,如果有可能,我是否愿意听到雷福礼在上周五早间的业绩电话会议上说点什么?

The technology to connect anywhere, anytime, means that people are expected to be on call 24 hours a day, especially in global companies that operate across different time zones. 科技让人们可以随时随地保持联络,这意味着人们可以24小时随叫随到,尤其是对于在不同时区运营的跨国公司而言。

Not long ago only doctors were on call all the time. 不久前,只有医生随叫随到。

By default, Net-SNMP will block on every call with Python. 默认情况下,Net-SNMP将阻塞每一个Python调用。

An RA keeps its execution call open until it receives a response on that call. RA保持其执行调用处于打开状态,直到收到对该调用的响应。

Having two users is even better, but the second one can be on call for doing things like checking out live prototypes and mock-ups. 有两名用户就更好了,但是,第二名用户不必在现场,只需检查所设计的原型和模型即可。

To turn it on, call EasyMock. verify ( mock) at the end of your test method. 要想启用它,应该在测试方法末尾调用EasyMock.verify(mock)。

Axis's invocation mechanism is mainly based on Call; however, SandeshaContext is used to pass the additional parameters from client code to Sandesha and Axis-specific components. Axis的调用机制主要基于Call;不过,SandeshaContext却是用于从客户机代码将额外的参数传递给特定于Sandesha和Axis的组件。

Some workers confess they are on call almost 24 hours a day, with nine out of ten saying they take work emails and calls outside their normal working hours. 有些员工表示,他们几乎全天24小时待命,其中9成受访者表示要在正常工作时间外收发电邮和接打工作电话。

Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and smartphones mean that people literally cannot get away from work. 很多公司希望员工一周七天每天24小时随叫随到,智能手机意味着人们无法脱离工作。

Google even has its own chef on call to come prepare food for guests who are allowed into this apartment. 谷歌甚至为它备了专门的待命厨师,为允许进入这间寓所的客人准备食物。

Are the team members on call required to be within 30 minutes of the hospital? 待命的团队成员会被要求在30分钟之内赶到医院吗?

Finally, this all depends on the efficiency and responsiveness of the very small team of phone operators the young company has on call 24/ 7. These operators work for a contractor in Wisconsin. 最后,这家年轻的公司全天二十四小时工作的电话接线员的人数非常之少,但上述所有这些操作都要取决于她们的效率和反应速度。

With the rise of remote working, the TUC said there could be an increase in the number of people at home but on call during the Christmas period. 随着远程工作的兴起,英国职工大会说在家工作的人数会有增加但在圣诞节期间仍要待命。

I had last Christmas off so it's only fair that I am on call this year. 我去年圣诞节放假了,所以我今年待命才公平。

He is expected to be on call, the whole time. 他预计将待命,整个时间。

Nannies, drivers and a chef will be shared among three women, promises Jia Mei. Of course, Chinese-speaking doctors will be on call. 该机构承诺,三个孕妇可共用保姆,司机以及厨师,而且有说中文的医生随时等待接诊。

My intellect was on call to expand its worldview-and comprehend. 我的心智是在呼唤扩展它的世界观&而理解。

He was on call when she came in. 那个病人入院的时候他在打电话。

The application is does not have owner privilege on the call. 应用程序在电话上没有owner权限。

Our medical teams pided into three shifts for the24 hour-period: one on call, one sleeping and one working. 各医疗组每天三班倒:一组待命,一组睡觉,一组工作。

I study when I'm on call. 我值班的时候就学习。

So are you working this weekend on call? 那你这个周末还要待命工作吗?

Think about what happens if a cross dresser is on call at all times and carries a pager. 想想看,如果变装者身上带着传呼机,又一直被呼叫,会发生什么事情。

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