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get to的意思

来源: 时间:2024-08-20 16:39:40 浏览量:

get to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
包含get to的单词
halogeton 盐生草(有毒)
Lavagetto 拉瓦吉托
mangetout 嫩豌豆
Halogeton 盐生草属
altogether 总共
bridgetown 布里奇顿(拉丁美洲岛国巴巴多斯首都)
get-together (非正式的)会议
get-togethers<口>聚会,联欢会( get-together的名词复数 )
lactoovovegetarian (饮食包括乳制品和蛋类的)乳蛋素食者
包含get to的短语
get (to) 去)
get on to 靠近,接近
get up to 赶上
get to work 开始工作
get around to 设法找到足够的时间去做(某事)
get off to a bad start 开始得不好
get down to a fine art 开始一门优秀的艺术
get down to the nitty-gritty 去做点小事吧
get down to some serious drinking 去喝点严重的酒
get to 相关例句
The guys that get along, get to work.
We to across the creek to get to the next stop.
We get to play Angry Birds. We get targeted apps.
What do we have to get to to achieve the Global Goals?
We get to admit these rote absorbing get a bulk of limitations.
You get to chase your dream while I get to spend my life in advertising.
你应该去追逐你的梦想 而我应该把我的一生都献给广告业。
I have to get to the tank with a boat climbing on board to talk to these actors.
MR. CROWLEY Weve got to let the Secretary get to her airplane and get to her trip.
He couldn't get on the bus. He had to go home and get cleaned up to get to the airport.
他不能上车,而必须先回家收拾干净 然后去赶飞机。
We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.

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