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鼻孔either of the two openings at the end of the nose that you breathe through


鼻孔Your nostrils are the two openings at the end of your nose.


Leonardo's nose is flattened in as if it were previously broken and there are two distinct lines of hair curls which outline his left nostril and alar nasal base. 莱昂那多的鼻子呈扁平状,如同在此之前被打碎过,两条明显的发卷线将他的左鼻孔和鼻翼勾勒出来。

Bleeding heavily, he was taken to hospital in an ambulance shortly after midnight, but while waiting to be seen by doctors he sneezed and the bullet shot out of his right nostril. 由于大量出血,他被救护车紧急送往医院。在等待医生诊断的过程中,桑格马诺打了个喷嚏,竟奇迹般地将子弹从右鼻孔中喷出。

Just squeeze or press it and green shower gel oozes out of the right nostril. 挤一挤,就有绿色沐浴液从右边鼻孔流下来,真是又恶心又好玩!

Cover your right nostril and practice breathing in and out of your left nostril ten-times. 堵住你的右侧鼻孔,练习用左侧鼻孔呼吸十次。

The practice of breathing through your left nostril is said to help relax your sympathetic nervous system. 据说这种用左侧鼻孔进行的呼吸练习能够放松你的交感神经系统。

For a moment, the closed eye lids trembled, and the nostril quivered, and the faintest shadow of a smile was seen. 片刻间,闭合的眼睑颤动了一下,鼻孔翕动了一下,还可以看到那极为微弱的笑影。

Their main concern was the reconstructive process, since such a large area would have to be removed near his nose, even a small part of his nostril. 但因为要从鼻子旁边切除这么大的面积,甚至还包括鼻孔的一小部分,他们担心的主要是整形恢复的过程。

Close the right nostril with the right thumb. 用右大拇指堵住右鼻孔。

Quickly open the right nostril by closing the left nostril and repeat the procedure. 通过堵住左鼻孔,快速打开右鼻孔,然后重复这一过程。

You will inhale through one nostril, hold the breath, then exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of2:8:4 counts. 分别数2、8、4下,使用一个鼻孔吸气,屏住气,然后再用另一个鼻孔呼出。

The Indian princess wore a diamond in her right nostril. 印弟安公主在右鼻孔中戴了一颗钻石。

The animals turned and swam in the direction of the nostril that first received the odor. 这种动物转向先闻到气味的鼻孔的方向。

Buries itself beneath the sand, exposing only its eye and tubular nostril. 在沙子之下埋藏它本身,只有暴露它的眼与管状的鼻孔。

On the paralyzed side the ear is pendulous, the eye partly closed, and the nostril immobilized. 在麻痹的一侧,耳下垂;眼半闭,鼻孔不运动。

A curious Lilliputian, inspecting his comatose form, puts the sharp end of his half-pike a good way up his nostril. 一个好奇的小人为了检查他昏睡的状态,找到一个好办法,将其末端锋利的半截矛桶到他的鼻孔中。

Although I was not handsome long, but as a child was also boast my left nostril is idol. 虽然我长的不是很帅,但小时候也有人夸我左边鼻孔很偶像派。

It works by balancing the amount of air we breathe in through the left nostril with the amount we breathe in through the right. 从左鼻孔吸气,右鼻孔呼气来平衡呼吸(吸气和呼气的量一样)。

He laid the dry snot picked from his nostril on a ledge of rock, carefully. 他把从鼻孔里抠出来的干鼻屎小心翼翼地放在岩角上。

Breathe in through the right nostril three times, and exhale through the mouth. Repeat with left nostril, exhale through the right. 以右鼻孔吸气三次,以嘴呼气。换左鼻孔重复,以右鼻孔呼气。

Auricle Composite Tissue Transplantation in Functional and Aesthetic Restoration of Nostril Scar Contraction 耳廓复合组织游离移植功能性美容修复前鼻孔疤痕挛缩畸形

Anatomic Study of the Sphenoidal Sinus and Its Application in Pituitary Adenoma Resection by Trans-single Nostril and Transsphenoidal Approach 蝶窦的解剖及其在经单鼻孔蝶窦入路切除垂体腺瘤的应用

Okay, using your left hand, closeyour left nostril. 好的,用你的左手按住你左边的鼻孔。

If only one nostril is involved, it could signal a deviated septum or a nasal polyp. see your doctor for a checkup. 如果只有一个鼻孔受影响,则可能意味着鼻腔畸形或鼻腔内生了息肉,你应该找医生做一次检查。

Hey. hey, pig, I think there's a dead bee in your nostril. 嘿,猪头,我认为你鼻孔里有只死蜜蜂。

The monster had two eyes and a single central nostril. 那怪物有两只眼睛和长在当中的一个单鼻孔。

The scornful nostril and the high head gather not the ordors that lie on the track of truth. 真理的气息。轻蔑的鼻孔和傲慢的脑袋不能聚集真理之路上的气息。

The present Catherine has no other likeness to her, except a breadth of forehead, and a certain arch of the nostril that makes her appear rather haughty, whether she will or not. 现在的凯瑟琳没有别的地方像她,除了宽额和有点拱起的翘鼻子,这使她显得简直有点高傲,不管她本心是不是要这样。

The nose, beautifully formed otherwise was very slightly pinched at the top of one nostril. 那鼻子要不是有个鼻孔顶端稍微凹下,是美丽的。

If the right nostril is flowing and you are trying to meditate, your brain will produce beta waves and you will be thinking many thoughts at the same time. 当气息在右鼻孔流动时修习冥想,你的大脑会产生β波,同时你会在同一时间产生许许多多思绪。

Males mostly breathe using right nostril so they can get angry easily. 男生大部分吸气、吐气在右边,所以他们比会生气。



either one of the two external openings to the nasal cavity in the nose

Synonym:anterior naris

TAG: nostrils

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