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shut up

来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-08-20 17:16:53 浏览量:

shut up汉语翻译:
关闭, 监禁, 住口, 保藏英语解释:
动词 shut up:

refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent同义词:close up, clam up, dummy up, belt up, button up, be quiet, keep mum

place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape同义词:lock in, lock away, lock, put away, shut away, lock up

cause to be quiet or not talk同义词:hush, quieten, silence, still, hush up

形容词 shut up:

closely confined同义词:pent


Oh, shut up, you fool!喂,住嘴,你这个傻瓜。

Shut up!闭嘴!

Shut up or I'll crown you.住口,要不我就砸烂你的脑袋。

Can't you shut him up?你能不能叫他别再说了?

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