n.城市规划者; 设计者; 规划者; 记事簿; 规划簿
城市规划者a person whose job is to plan the growth and development of a town
设计者;规划者a person who makes plans for a particular area of activity
curriculum planners课程规划人员
记事簿;规划簿a book, computer program, etc. that contains dates and is used for recording information, arranging meetings, etc.
N-COUNT 计划(制订)者;规划者;设计者Planners are people whose job is to make decisions about what is going to be done in the future. For example, town planners decide how land should be used and what new buildings should be built....a panel that includes city planners, art experts and historians.由城市规划者、艺术专家和历史学家组成的专门小组
...a national meeting of economic planners.经济计划制订者的全国会议双语例句
I'll use the same technique here for dealing with airports in my trip planner. 我将在此处使用相同的技巧来处理trip-planner应用程序中的机场。
For example, take a look at the Trip Planner Web site you started in last month's article. 例如,请看上个月文章中开始的旅行规划网站。
A simple daily, weekly or monthly planner on a note pad or diary can do. 可以在笔记本或日记本上做个简单的每日、每周或每月的计划。
Now, five years later, she's a special events planner for museums. 现在五年过去了,她是一名博物馆特别活动策划者。
I got to meet with the wedding planner. 我约了婚礼策划人见面。
And pretending to be a wedding planner or a casting director? 假装成婚礼策划和星探?
I mistook it for your day planner. 我拿你的日程表时拿错了。
I know, I know, it's just, I'm a planner. 我知道,不过我是个有计划的人。
I wrote a reminder in my daily planner. 我在我的每日记事簿里写了个备忘字条。
We found your name in his daily planner. 我们在他的‘每日计划’中看到了你的名字。
Use a day planner or notebook to plan your day or week. 用一个每日计划软件或记事本计划你的一天或一周。
I just wonder who is the planner to start the project to make a voice patch? 我只是想知道谁是策划者启动项目,使一个声音补丁?
I came about your advertisement for a senior production planner. 我是来应聘你们广告招聘高级生产管理人员的。
Planner organize relevant personnel to review procurement cycle and bulk pide use departments. 计划员分使用部门组织相关人员评审采购周期和批量。
If you've signed up for a wedding package, the services of a planner are probably included. 如果你已经签订了一家婚礼套餐,其中也许已经包括了婚礼策划师的服务。
If you were a community planner, how would you plan your community? 如果你是社区的策划者,你会如何策划你的社区呢?
He trained as an architect and town planner. 他曾受过建筑师和城镇规划者的训练。
After all, she's the most prestigious wedding planner in San Francisco. 她毕竟是旧金山最负盛名的婚礼策划人。
This paper introduces design and implementation of a sentence planner for multilingual generation system of weather forecasting. 介绍生成多语种天气预报文本系统中句子规划器的设计与实现。
Her husband is a town planner. 她的丈夫是个城市规划者。
I work with a professional party planner. 今晚可是和专业晚会设计者合作。
Daniel: honey, I rented "the wedding planner." we can watch it tonight. 丹尼尔:亲爱的,我租了“爱上新郎”,我们今天晚上可以看。
Astice-Timetable is a smart diary, personal organizer and time planner. 时刻表是一个聪明的日记,个人的组织者和策划者的时间。
He writes every detail in his daily planner. 他在每天的计划里写明了所有的细节。
He was also a wedding planner, a travel agent and a casting director. 他还是个婚礼策划人,旅行经纪人和星探。
Work closely with planner and QA department to solve issues timely and ensure supplier performance delivered as required. 同计划和qa部门紧密工作,及时解决问题,确保供应商的绩效。
Gordon and I are getting married. I want you to be our wedding planner. 戈登和我要结婚了,我想你替我们筹办婚礼。
By nature a longrange planner, he spent his first few months studying his surroundings. 作为一个天生的长远规划者,他首先花了几个月时间研究了周围环境。
Ted, a recent retiree, is talking to his financial planner sally. 特德最近退休了,正在和他的财务顾问萨利谈话。
He served as a Beijing city planner after new China was founded in1949. 1949年新中国成立后,梁先生参加了北京的城市规划工作。
a notebook for recording appointments and things to be done, etc.
a person who makes plans
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