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n.代表; 会议代表
v.授(权); 把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级); 选派(某人做某事)




代表;会议代表a person who is chosen or elected to represent the views of a group of people and vote and make decisions for them

The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries.此次会议有来自56个国家的代表出席。


授(权);把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级)to give part of your work, power or authority to sb in a lower position than you

Some managers find it difficult to delegate.有些经理认为难以做到知人善任。

The job had to be delegated to an assistant.这工作得交给助手负责。

选派(某人做某事)to choose sb to do sth

I've been delegated to organize the Christmas party.我被选派来组织圣诞聚会。


The noun is pronounced /'delɪgət/. The verb is pronounced /'delɪgeɪt/. 名词读作/'delɪgət/。动词读作/'delɪgeɪt/。

代表;(尤指)会议代表A delegate is a person who is chosen to vote or make decisions on behalf of a group of other people, especially at a conference or a meeting.

VERB 授(权);把(职责、责任等)委托(给)If you delegate duties, responsibilities, or power to someone, you give them those duties, those responsibilities, or that power so that they can act on your behalf.He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies...他打算把更多的权力交给副手。

How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff?...他们的活动有多少可以稳妥有效地委托给那些资质稍浅的员工来进行?

Many employers find it hard to delegate.许多雇主觉得很难下放权力。

VERB 授权,委派(做)If you are delegated to do something, you are given the duty of acting on someone else's behalf by making decisions, voting, or doing some particular work.Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。


Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate. 霍顿的软肋在于他不懂得放权。

She was appointed a US delegate to the United Nations. 她被任命为美国驻联合国代表。

He plans to delegate more authority to his deputies 他打算把更多的权力交给副手。

How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff? 他们的活动有多少可以稳妥有效地委托给那些资质稍浅的员工来进行?

Many employers find it hard to delegate. 许多雇主觉得很难下放权力。

Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement. 现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。

A delegate from Siberia proposed a resolution that he stand down as party chairman 一名来自西伯利亚的代表提议他辞去党主席的职务。

A boss must know how to delegate work. 老板应懂得如何分派工作。

Similarly, the service implementation and service delegate templates may be applied to each service defined in the PIM. 同样地,可以将服务实现和服务委托模板应用于PIM中确定的每个服务。

In this case you simply delegate the work to another function called displayResults. 在本例中,将此工作简单地委托给另一个名为displayResults的函数就可以了。

The database security administrator can optionally delegate this ability to others when the role membership is granted. 在授予角色从属关系时,数据库安全管理员可以选择将这项能力授权给其他人。

The aspect would detect when exceptions were thrown and delegate to the handler to handle them. 方面会探测出什么时候抛出了异常,并委托处理器对异常进行处理。

The other methods have been changed to delegate the work to the new method. 另一个方法也进行了更改,它现在将任务委托给新的方法。

Using the delegate, you can communicate with one or many client objects, configured at runtime. 使用委托,你可以和一个或者多个客户对象通信,在运行时进行配置。

Select one or more users or groups to whom you want to delegate control. 选定一个或多个您想委派控制的用户或组。

But so far, the Taiwan bank that is in the mainland is delegate place and agency. 但是到目前为止,在大陆的台湾银行都是代表处和办事处。

Declare a class that contains a method with the same signature as the delegate. 声明一个类,该类包含与该委托具有相同签名的方法。

For use with anonymous methods, the delegate and the code to be associated with it are declared together. 为了与匿名方法一起使用,委托和与之关联的代码必须一起声明。

Delegate, and add this delegate to this event. 委托关联并将该委托添加到事件中。

Delegate to listen to this event. 委托来侦听该事件。

Define an event handler method with the same signature as the event delegate. 定义一个具有与事件委托相同的签名的事件处理程序方法。

Each member may nominate one delegate and one or more alternates to be its representatives on the technical committee. 每一成员可指派一名代表和一名或多名副代表作为其在技术委员会的代表。

If we can find a delegate, we invoke it. 如果我们能够找到一个委托,我们调用它。

Declare a delegate in your publishing class. 在发布类中声明一个委托。

The declaration of a delegate type establishes a contract that specifies the signature of one or more methods. 委托类型的声明建立了一个协定,该协定指定一个或多个方法的签名。

The delegate can approve or reject out-of-policy meeting requests for a resource. 委派可以批准或拒绝资源的策略外会议请求。

He is no longer prepared to delegate. 他不准备再授权了。

Shareholders can participate personally or delegate a representative. 股东可亲自莅临或委托代理人参加。

Register a delegate to be called on log messages. 在一个日志信息上注册一个委托来被调用。

The constructor is used to form a delegate over a target object and a function pointer. 这构造器用来通过一个目标对象和一个函数指针形成一个委托。



delegate n. 代表


〔例证〕The government has sent ten delegates to China.政府派了10位代表前往中国。The Conservatives have sent their delegates to the conference.保守党已经派出代表参加大会。

deputy n. 代理人,副职


〔例证〕My brother will act as a deputy for me while I am away.我不在时,我弟弟将代理我的工作。The president of the company appointed a deputy to attend the meeting.这个公司的董事长派一名副手出席了会议。

representative n. 代表,代理人

〔辨析〕通常指被推选或者被任命的代表,其职务有时是较长期的,常可与 delegate 换用。

〔例证〕He is the permanent representative/delegate of China to the UN.他是中国驻联合国的常驻代表。He once had worked as a union representative/delegate.他曾担任工会代表。



a person appointed or elected to represent others


give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)


transfer power to someone


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