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v.缩略; 把(词语、名称)缩写(成…)




缩略;把(词语、名称)缩写(成…)to make a word, phrase or name shorter by leaving out letters or using only the first letter of each word

the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (usually abbreviated to JPL)喷气推进实验室(通常缩写成JPL)


VERB 缩写;缩简;缩短If you abbreviate something, especially a word or a piece of writing, you make it shorter.He abbreviated his first name to Alec.他将自己的名字缩写为亚历克。


He abbreviated his first name to Alec. 他将自己的名字缩写为亚历克。

I did not totally give up on abbreviating the names; however, when I did abbreviate, I tried to provide comments to fully elaborate the meaning of the name. 我没有完全放弃简写名称;但是,当我用简写形式的名称时,我得设法提供注释以完整阐述该名称的含义。

An alias can abbreviate command names and command-line phrases. 别名(alias)是缩写的命令名和命令行短语。

To refer to and abbreviate the name of a namespace, again use xmlns declarations. 为了引用和简化名称空间的名字,同样要使用xmlns声明。

Code-generating programs allow you to abbreviate such statements and save a lot of typing, which also prevents a lot of mistakes because there is less chance of mistyping. 代码生成程序可以对这种语句进行简化,并节省很多输入的工作,这可以防止大量的输入错误,因为减少了很多输入错误内容的机会。

Do not abbreviate, and do spell all words correctly. 不要使用缩写形式,并要保证拼写正确。

During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another. 19世纪30年代末,受过教育的年轻人圈子中有一个广受喜爱的做法,就是人们会故意拼错单词,缩写这些词,然后在互相交谈中把这些缩写当作俚语使用。

Traditionally, locals do not abbreviate it to "R.V." or abridge it to "Royston". 当地人传统上不会把它缩写为“罗。村”或简写为“罗伊斯顿”。

Click more to see the full list or less to abbreviate the list. 单击“更多”可查看完整列表,单击“更少”可缩短列表。

I will abbreviate this bleak description by saying that you will be totally destroyed. 我用“完全消失”这个短语来略称上面描述的这种情况。

The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form ( abbreviate SAT problem) is an NP_complete problem. 合取范式可满足性问题(简称SAT问题)是一个NP完全问题。

Use short and meaningful phrases, and abbreviate when necessary. Don't use abbreviations that you won't recognize later. 用短而有意义的短语,必要的时候用所写。不要用自己等会儿不认识的所写。

However, when referring to a court in text, do not abbreviate. 但在行文中提及法院时,不应用缩写。

Abbreviate the business state in one of the addresses, and spell it out in the second. 缩写业务状态的一个地址,并说明它列在第二位。

Make your article easy to read and do not abbreviate words. 因为你要为曾经的“缩写”做出补偿!

This also is world car market the abbreviate of intense competition occasion. 这也是世界汽车市场激烈竞争场面的缩写。

It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing. 译在正式写作中,缩写单词很少被接受。

We often abbreviate words by dropping the endings. 缩写词一般是不要末尾的那一部分。

On the Typical Formation of English Abbreviation and the Regularization of Applying; It is seldom acceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing. 浅论英语缩写词的类型构建及应用规律在正式的书面语中使用缩写语通常是不能接受的。

Please explain everything in detail and do not abbreviate your sales pitch. 请详细说明你们公司方面的细节,注意不要缩写销售场所。

And it doesn't abbreviate the term "postposition". 不要使用不常见的简写和缩写。

Clear definition of your direction can abbreviate the process for hard work and speed up your success in cooperation with others. 明确努力的方向,由于人才的合作浓缩了奋斗历程,可以快速达到成功。

She had lost the power to abbreviate the remaining steps of the way. 她丧失了帮助他缩短这最后几步路的能力。

Clients can break the time and geographical limits to establish connections with enterprises, abbreviate the gap between the enterprises and consumers and provide better services and products. 客户不受地域限制建立与企业的联系,拉近了企业和消费者之间的距离,消费者能得到更好的服务和产品。

And, furthermore, he started to abbreviate. 此外,他开始使用缩写词。

Terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent. 在原来的固有的终端或长度上提前终结或减少。

ADHD is abbreviate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is a familiar behavior disorder in childhood. 多动症是“注意缺陷多动障碍”的简称,是儿童期常见的一种行为障碍。

I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember. 我喜欢缩写我的名字,因为这样人们更容易记忆。

Also, try to avoid abbreviations. If you must abbreviate, use standard abbreviations. 避免用缩略语,如果必须,要用标准缩略语。

Don't be afraid to abbreviate, to cut a paragraph here, to shorten one there. 别怕删节,不必顾虑这儿删去一段,那儿简缩一段。



shorten v. 缩短,(使)变短


〔例证〕This article is too long. You'd better shorten it drastically.这篇文章太长了,你最好大刀阔斧地删减一下。Please shorten your composition.请压缩一下你的作文。The long pole was shortened.那根长竿子被弄短了。

abbreviate v. 缩写,缩短


〔例证〕China Central Television is usually abbreviated to CCTV.(中国中央电视台)通常被缩略为CCTV。The ceremony was abbreviated by rain.仪式因天下雨而缩短了。

abridge v. 删节,节略


〔例证〕A long story can be abridged by leaving out unimportant parts.可将一个冗长故事中无关紧要的部分删去以减少篇幅。Who has the right to abridge readers' letters except for Susan?除了苏珊谁有权利删节读者的来信?

condense v. 压缩,使简洁

〔辨析〕多指将讲话、文章等压缩,常与介词 into 连用。

〔例证〕This chapter could be condensed into a few paragraphs.这一章可以压缩成几个段落。He condensed his letter of application into one page.他将申请书精简为一页纸。




Abbreviate `New York' and write `NY'

reduce in scope while retaining essential elements

The manuscript must be shortened


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