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宝石A gemstone is a jewel or stone used in jewellery.


The gemstone is 28.6 millimetres high and weighs 139.43 carats. 这块宝石高28.6毫米,重139.43克拉。

The pleasure you derive from this beautiful and rare gemstone will be long-lasting. 你会永远享受这难得的美丽且稀有的宝石。

Heat is applied to this gemstone for clarity and the violet-blue color. 热应用于这宝石的清晰度和紫蓝色。

This is the strongest physical healing gemstone that I know. 这就是最有力的物理治疗宝石,我知道。

I was named Aquamarine after a rare and precious gemstone. 我的名字代表一种稀少的珍贵的宝石。

Colors of this beautiful gemstone range from light violet-blue to ultramarine blue. 这个美丽的颜色范围从光宝石紫,蓝群青。

Tourmaline is the most multi-colored natural gemstone in the world. 碧玺是世界上最多彩的自然宝石。

PIN ( Hong Kong) Limited is a manufacturer, exporter and wholesaler of natural gemstone and fine jewelry. PIN香港有限公司是一家集生产,出口及批发天然宝石及珠宝首饰于一身的公司。

There is a huge range of gemstone quality. 这是一个巨大范围的珠宝玉石质量。

We have been able to absorb precious metal and gemstone cost increases while improving our gross and operating margins. 我们能够消化贵金属和宝石的成本上涨,同时提高我们的毛利润率和营运利润率。

A transparent deep red variety of corundum; used as a gemstone and in lasers. 一种透明的深红色刚玉,经雕琢后可用作宝石,亦可用于激光器。

Both use the same JIT, bytecode loop, cache, and persistence provided by GemStone/ S. 它们都使用了相同的JIT、字节代码循环、缓存和GemStone/S提供的持久化。

A green andradite used as a gemstone. 一种用作宝石的绿色钙铁榴石。

A green variety of chalcedony valued as a gemstone. 一种绿色的玉髓,视作宝石。

A precious transparent stone of rich blue corundum valued as a gemstone. 一种珍贵的透明蓝色刚玉,用作宝石。

If you prefer a different gemstone, there are many other wonderful choices. 如果你喜欢不同的宝石,还有很多其他美好的选择。

A brown or yellow-green olivine found in igneous and metamorphic rocks and used as a gemstone. 一种褐色或黄绿色的橄榄石,见于火成岩和变质岩中,用作宝石。

A green slightly translucent variety of chalcedony used as a gemstone. 一种略微透明的绿色玉髓,用作宝石。

A transparent purple variety of quartz; used as a gemstone. 一种透明的紫色石英,用作宝石。

Malachite is the anniversary gemstone for the13th year of marriage. 孔雀石是对结婚13年周年的宝石。

A kind of pink beryl used as a gemstone. 绿玉的一种,用作宝石。

A blue mineral of magnesium and iron and aluminum and silicon and oxygen; often used as a gemstone. 一种含有镁、铁、铝、硅、氧的蓝色矿物,用作宝石。

A deep blue cordierite often used as a gemstone. 一种深蓝色的堇青石,用作宝石。

A rare hard yellow green mineral consisting of beryllium aluminate in crystal form; used as a gemstone. 一种稀有的、坚硬的黄绿色矿物,由铝酸铍构成,呈结晶状,用作宝石。

A spinel used as a gemstone ( usually dark red). 一种用作宝石的尖晶石(通常为深红色)。

A red transparent variety of zircon used as a gemstone. 一种红色透明的锆石,用作宝石。

My face reddened because, until very recently, my favorite gemstone was garnet. 而我脸红则是因为,直到最近,我最喜欢的珠宝还是石榴石。

We are Wholesalers, Exporters and manufacturing Jewellers of this precious Gemstone. 我们是批发商,出口商以及这一系列珍贵宝石珠宝的制造商。

This is my favorite gemstone properties reference. 这是我最喜欢的宝石属性引用。

Bloodstone gemstone is found in: Australia, Brazil, China, India, and the USA. 鸡血石的宝石分布于:澳大利亚,巴西,中国,印度和美国。



a crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry

he had the gem set in a ring for his wife

she had jewels made of all the rarest stones


TAG: gemstone

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