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adv.此后; 从此以后



此后;从此以后starting from a particular time and at all times in the future

Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as ‘Red Friday’.1925年7月31日这个星期五从此以后就称为“红色星期五”。


ADV 从今以后;此后Henceforth means from this time onwards.Henceforth, parties which fail to get 5% of the vote will not be represented in parliament...从今以后,选票数量未达到总数5%的党派将不能在议会里占有席位。

We were finally released with a formal warning that we were henceforth barred from the base.我们被正式警告从此不得进入基地后终于获得了释放。


We were finally released with a formal warning that we were henceforth barred from the base. 我们被正式警告从此不得进入基地后终于获得了释放。

I promise never to get drunk henceforth. 我保证从此以后再不喝醉了。

Henceforth I will recognize and identify the mystery of moods in all mankind, and in me. 自此以后,我将认同并且断定在所有的人类中存在神秘的心情,同样我也存在。

Henceforth I know that to court idleness is to steal food, clothing and warmth from those I love. 我终于醒悟到,懒惰是偷食物,衣服和从我所爱之人。

I believe that my love, henceforth my heart just pretend you by now and future. 我坚信我的爱情,从今以后我的心里只装着现在的你和以后的你。

I promise never to lie to you henceforth. 我发誓从今以后再也不向你说谎话。

My Muse may be excused if she is silent henceforth. 我的缪斯女神如果沉默了,她是情有可原的。

Of course, henceforth, you're my friend. 当然,从今往后,你们就是我的朋友了。

Here, I want you know, I do not eat meat and fish, henceforth lose such delicious. 在此,我想让大家知道,我不吃肉和鱼,从此以后失去了这样的美味。

Henceforth, learn to respect the beauty of a woman, understand? 今后要学着尊重美女,懂了吗?

The research on structural development pattern and genetic mechanism provided mine construction and production with geological basis henceforth. 赵楼井田构造发育规律及成因机制的研究为今后矿井建设与生产提供了地质依据。

It has instructional significance to mine design, construction and production henceforth. 对今后的矿井设计、建设和生产均有一定的指导意义。

The work of this paper has important reference to henceforth research. 课题所进行的工作对今后的研究具有重要参考价值。

Henceforth, he must be a different man. 今后他得做另外一种人了。

You are henceforth and forever outcast! 从今以后,你将永远被驱逐!

The sad gangsters said that they would not do it henceforth. 沮丧的绑匪说他们今后再也不干这种事了。

Since had you, my life is henceforth colorful. 自从有了你,我的生命从此多姿多彩。

He lives of so chose to become a guardian of the soldiers, life henceforth not drifter. 孑然一身的他就这样选择了做一名守护战士,生命从此不在漂泊。

The Chinese people henceforth got rid have been organized the human, allow to oppressed's destiny. 中国人民从此摆脱了受人摆布,任人宰割的命运。

This project provided very good example for the construction of steel structure of large henceforth abnormity. 本工程为今后大型异形钢结构的施工提供了很好的范例。

Mother, brother, too! Rest assured, henceforth, dinner is on me. 妈妈,哥哥,太棒了!放心吧,今后,晚饭仍包在我身上好了。

Henceforth will I love all mankind. 从今往后,我要爱所有的人。

The sports economy maybe an important subject henceforth. 体育经济恐怕会是我们今后的一个重大课题了。

Hate he let you henceforth no way to fall in love with anyone, lost power to love. 恨他让你从此没有办法再爱上任何人,失去了爱人的能力。

I suggest that we take this opportunity to declare that henceforth our relations will return to normal. 我建议利用这个机会宣布中苏关系从此实现正常化。

I promise to behave better henceforth. I promise never to lie to you henceforth. 我答应从今以后要表现得好些。我发誓从今以后再也不向你说谎话。

In the past I have not considered this fact but it will henceforth shape and guide my life. 我原来没有考虑到这层,但是这将引导出我将来生命的轨道。

I think, this still will be met henceforth is a way that we invest. 我想,今后这仍然会是我们投资的一个方向。

I am going to live at liberty and my pleasure henceforth. 我打算自由和随心所欲的过日子今后!



from this time forth

henceforth she will be known as Mrs. Smith


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