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基本解释:有(引以为荣的事物)( boast的过去式和过去分词 );扬言
boasted 是什么意思及中文翻译:
动词(v.) 有(引以为荣的事物)( boast的过去式和过去分词 )
动词(v.) 扬言
boasted 相关例句
Sam boasted that he could beat anyone at poker.
We can outpace the fastest of your boasted airplanes.
The crocodile boasted about his ancient and noble family.
The Victorian Age is often boasted of as an age of progress.
Things may be fitting to be done, which are not fitting to be boasted of.
有些事情是只宜于做, 而不宜于大声宣扬得。
Father, forgive me for the times I have boasted about my own achievements.
父啊, 当我自夸一己的成就时, 求祢赦免我。
You boasted against me and spoke against me without restraint, and I heard it.
你们也用口向我夸大, 增添与我反对的话, 我都听见了。
Afterward we together played boasted, the atmosphere also calculated harmoniously.
Ornithocheirus boasted a wingspan of 40 feet, equivalent to that of a small aeroplane.
打开双翼的鸟掌龙有40英尺长, 相当一部小型飞机的长度。
The boasted batch agglomerations with resistance furnace are analyzed with chemical methods.

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