首页 > 综合百科 > 双语黑色笑话:895 I hung him up to dry 是我把他挂起来晾干的

双语黑色笑话:895 I hung him up to dry 是我把他挂起来晾干的

来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-08-20 18:42:33 浏览量:

895 I hung him up to dry 是我把他挂起来晾干的

After hearing that one of the patients in a mental hospital had saved another from a suicide attempt by pulling him out of a bathtub, the director reviewed the rescuer's file and called him into his office. “Mr. Smith, your records and your heroic behavior indicate that you're ready to go home. I'm only sorry that the man you saved later killed himself with a rope around the neck.” “That was me,” Mr. Smith replied. “Who hung him up to dry.”


TAG: 黑色笑话

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