n.规格; 规范; 明细单; 说明书
规格;规范;明细单;说明书a detailed description of how sth is, or should be, designed or made
the technical specifications of the new model (= of car) 新型号的技术规格
The house has been built exactly to our specifications .房子完全是按照我们的工程设计书建造的。
The office was furnished to a high specification .办公室是按高规格装潢的。
N-COUNT 规格;具体要求A specification is a requirement which is clearly stated, for example about the necessary features in the design of something.Troll's exclusive, personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC/nylon...特罗尔专用的、个性化的行李箱是按照我们自己严格的规格要求用耐用聚氯乙烯/尼龙材料定制的。
Legislation will require UK petrol companies to meet an EU specification for petrol.法规将要求英国的汽油公司必须达到欧盟对汽油的规格要求。...officials constrained by rigid job specifications.受到严格的岗位要求限制的官员们双语例句
They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification 他们通过实施低技术规格拼命限制成本。
Troll's exclusive, personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC/ nylon 特罗尔专用的、个性化的行李箱是按照我们自己严格的规格要求用耐用聚氯乙烯/尼龙材料定制的。
Legislation will require UK petrol companies to meet an EU specification for petrol. 法规将要求英国的汽油公司必须达到欧盟对汽油的规格要求。
Examination confirmed that the quality of the products was up to specification. 经检查,产品质量[品质]合格。
This instrument demands stringent specification. 这台设备要求高标准。
Vapour pressure is an important product specification. 蒸气压是一个重要的产品规格。
This feature uses an obscure aspect of the C language to simplify the specification of message level or priority. 这个特性使用了C语言的一种模糊方面来简化消息级别和优先级的规范。
Separate service specification ( the service and design model described in this article) from service implementation. 将服务规范(本文中所述的服务和模型)与服务实现分离开来。
The information contained includes a full specification for the service's interface, location and bindings. 其中的包含的信息包括服务接口、位置和绑定的完整规范信息。
This RUP step combines the important TMap phases Specification and Execution. 这个RUP步骤合并了重要的TMap阶段-规格说明和执行。
The OMG SoaML specification defines an industry-standard meta-model and notation for modeling systems using service-oriented approaches. OMGSoaML规范定义了一个使用面向服务方法进行系统建模的行业标准级的元数据模型和符号。
Part three of this specification details shells and utilities in particular. 这个规范的第3部分详细介绍了shell和工具的相关内容。
The WSDM MUWS specification provides interoperable, base manageability for monitoring and control managers using Web services. WSDMMUWS规范提供了可以互操作的、基本的可管理性功能,用于监视和控制使用Web服务的管理者。
The ODF specification provides a detailed description of the standard. ODF规范详细描述了这个标准。
So a service specification is a kind of interface, but it adds quality of service information. 因此服务规范是一类接口,但它加入了服务质量信息。
We model this by adding a port to the Invoicer, which is of the type InvoiceService service specification. 我们通过添加一个端口到Invoicer中(它的类型是InvoiceService服务规范)来对其进行建模。
This specification describes an extensible framework for providing protocols that coordinate the actions of distributed applications. 此规范描述了一个可扩展框架,用于提供协调分布式应用程序的操作的协议。
The Java EE specification does not cover all the aspects of application deployment and configuration. javaEE规范并没有涵盖应用程序部署和配置的所有方面。
In the top-down view, a blueprint of business use cases provides the specification for business services. 在自顶向下视图中,业务用例的蓝图提供了业务服务的规范。
The specification includes both a synchronous and asynchronous API. 该规范包括了同步和异步API。
Table 1 shows the map of the supporting specification and API for the major Jetty version families. 表1显示了Jetty主要版本所支持的规范和API的图表。
Now that we have a specification, we can design our solution. 既然已经有了规范,那么就可以设计解决方案了。
In the context of this project, we applied a collection of changes to OMG's EDOC specification. 在此项目的上下文环境中,我们对OMG的EDOC规范做了一系列变动。
A service specification is used as the contract between a service provider and a service consumer. 服务规范充当了服务提供者和服务使用者之间的协议。
CIM is comprised of a specification and a schema. CIM由一个规范和一个模式组成。
CORBA Component Model ( CCM) outlines the CORBA specification and CORBA interoperability with other component models. CORBAComponentModel(CCM)概述了CORBA规范以及CORBA与其他组件模型的互操作性。
The CIM specification is the language and methodology for describing management data. CIM规范是描述管理数据的语言和方法。
A specification component defines a contract between service consumers and service providers that decouples them from particular provider implementations. 规范合成要素定义了一个服务消费者和服务提供者之间的契约,它从特定的提供者执行中减弱了它们。
In the Use-Case Realization, we meet both functional and non-functional specifications, i.e. Use-Case Specification and SAD. 在用例实现中,我们满足了功能和非功能的规范,也就是说,用例规格说明和SAD。
a restriction that is insisted upon as a condition for an agreement
(patent law) a document drawn up by the applicant for a patent of invention that provides an explicit and detailed description of the nature and use of an invention
a detailed description of design criteria for a piece of work
naming explicitly
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