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来源: 时间:2024-10-01 06:53:00 浏览量:

解释:Australian Scientific Industry Association 澳大利亚科学工业协会;Automotive Service Industry Association 汽车服务工业协会;Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority 澳大利亚装卸工业管理局;Airlines Staff International Association 航空公司职员国际协会
asia 是什么意思及中文翻译:
缩写词(abbr.) Australian Scientific Industry Association 澳大利亚科学工业协会
缩写词(abbr.) Automotive Service Industry Association 汽车服务工业协会
缩写词(abbr.) Australian Stevedoring Industry Authority 澳大利亚装卸工业管理局
缩写词(abbr.) Airlines Staff International Association 航空公司职员国际协会
asia 大小写变形:Asia
ASIAC Aerospace Structures Information and Analysis Center 宇航结构信息和分析中心
Alasia Australasia 澳大利西亚(一个不明确的地理名词,一般指澳大利亚,新西兰及附近南太平洋诸岛,有时也泛指大洋洲与太平洋岛屿)
phasia aphelion; aphasia
Asians 亚洲人( Asian的名词复数 )
Asiasat Asia Satellite 亚洲卫星; 亚洲区域通信卫星
fantasia 幻想曲,即兴作品
Eurasians 欧亚的,欧亚人的( Eurasian的名词复数 )
fantasias 幻想曲,即兴作品( fantasia的名词复数 )
Amerasians American-Asians (offspring of Americans and Asians) 美国人-亚洲人(美国人和亚洲人的后代)
Caucasians 高加索人,白种人( Caucasian的名词复数 )
Asia First 亚洲第一
Asia Major 亚洲少校
Asia Watch 亚洲观察
Asia group 亚洲集团
Asia dollar [法]亚洲美元
Africa + Asia 非洲 亚洲
Asia New Deal 亚洲新政
Banco Delta Asia 澳门汇业银行
Badminton Asia Championships 亚洲羽毛球锦标赛
Badminton Asia Confederation 亚洲羽毛球联合会
asia 相关例句
But South Asia and Central Asia have had setbacks.
The countries of Asia, especially of eastern Asia.
As you know I love Asia and in Asia there are pandas.
This is East Asia. And the light blue there is South Asia.
Enjoy the charm of Asia culture and emanate the glamour of Asia arts
Research on the inspiration in Doha Asia Game to Guangzhou Asia Game
Bernard Charnwut Chan is the President of Asia Financial Group and Asia Insurance.
Still, Carlyle's Asia growth fund investments in Asia haven't always gone smoothly.
Having traveled throughout Asia for several years, he is considered an Asia veteran.
游遍亚洲多年, 他被视为是亚洲老手。
Increasingly the effects of this intervention are being felt in South Asia and Central Asia.

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