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来源: 时间:2024-10-01 06:57:01 浏览量:

a. 几个的, 一些的, 各自的
pron. 几个
【法】 数个的, 个别的, 各自的词型变化:
little, few, several这几个词用作形容词时均含“少量的”之意。
little: 只修饰不可数名词,含否定意义。
few: 只修饰可数名词的复数形式,侧重指数量非常少,给人一种模糊概念,含否定意义。
several: 修饰可数名词的复数形式,指至少有3个,但不会超过5、6个。英语解释:
形容词 several:

considered inpidually同义词:respective, various

distinct and inpidual

(used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many


Children of all ages should be outdoors several hours a day.各个年龄段的孩子每天都应户外活动几个小时。

My husband has several shirts of different colors.我丈夫有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。

This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges.这所大学是由几个不同学院组成的。

Several bills were enacted at the end of this session of Parliament.这届国会结束时,好几个议案制定成为法律。

The poet minted several words that cannot be found in any dictionary.诗人造了几个词典里找不到的词。

The regime has been propped up by several monopoly capitalists.那个政权一直是受到若干垄断资本家的支持而维持着的。

Several of the apples are bad.苹果中好几个烂了。

I bought several books yesterday.我昨天买了好几本书。

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