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give out

来源: 时间:2024-10-01 10:11:01 浏览量:

give out汉语翻译:
分发, 发出, 发表, 用尽, 精疲力竭英语解释:
动词 give out:

give off, send forth, or discharge; as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc.同义词:emit, give off

give out同义词:distribute, hand out, pass out

prove insufficient同义词:fail, run out

stop operating or functioning同义词:fail, go bad, give way, die, conk out, go, break, break down


He has refused to give out any information on the matter.他已拒绝发表有关此事的任何消息。

The news of the President's death was given out in a radio broadcast.总统逝世的消息已在电台上播出了。

After a month their food supplies gave out.过了一个月,他们的食物已消耗殆尽。

One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.飞机在大西洋中部飞行时,其中一个发动机出了故障。

Her patience finally gave out.她终於失去了耐性。

The radiator is giving out a lot of heat.散热器释放出很多热量。

The teacher gave out the examination papers.教师发了考卷。

It was given out that the President had been shot.据称总统受到枪击。

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