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来源: 时间:2024-10-01 12:53:00 浏览量:

n. 研磨料
a. 有研磨作用的
【化】 磨料; 研磨剂
【医】 擦除的, 擦破的; 磨擦剂英语解释:
名词 abrasive:

a substance that abrades or wears down同义词:abradant, abrasive material

形容词 abrasive:

causing abrasion同义词:scratchy

sharply disagreeable; rigorous同义词:harsh


A substance containing chemical agents or abrasive particles and applied to smooth or shine a surface.上光剂; 擦亮剂含有化学媒质或粗糙微粒的一种物质,被用来打光或擦亮一个表面

Jeff is usually an abrasive character, but he can be as sweet as honey when he wants something.杰弗通常是一个生硬粗暴的人,但他想得到某物时,他会象蜜一样甜。

A light, porous, glassy lava, used in solid form as an abrasive and in powdered form as a polish and an abrasive.轻石,浮石一种在固体状时用作研磨物且粉状时用作磨光物和研磨物的轻多孔火山岩

An abrasive or filler used in a soap or detergent.增清剂肥皂或去污剂中用的研磨剂或填料

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