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adj.令人厌恶的; 可鄙的; 卑鄙的



令人厌恶的;可鄙的;卑鄙的very unpleasant or evil

a despicable act/crime 卑鄙的行为 / 罪行

I hate you! You're despicable.我恨你!你真卑鄙。


ADJ-GRADED 可鄙的;卑鄙的If you say that a person or action is despicable, you are emphasizing that they are extremely nasty, cruel, or evil.The Minister said the bombing was a despicable crime.部长说这次爆炸是一起卑劣的罪行。


The Minister said the bombing was a despicable crime. 部长说这次爆炸是一起卑劣的罪行。

Let us at least see our courts make an example of these despicable criminals. 至少让我们看到法庭惩罚这些十恶不赦的罪犯以儆效尤。

They played a shameful [ despicable] role in this farce. 他们在这场闹剧中扮演了可耻[鄙]的角色。

That guy is really despicable. 这小子真不是东西。

Ingratitude is a despicable vice. 忘恩负义是可鄙的不道德行为。

If you're not a nice person, money's going to make you a despicable inpidual. 如果你不是个好人,钱会使你成为更可鄙的人。

What a tragic and despicable act. 这么做实在太卑劣了。

And I think it's despicable. 并且我认为那很卑劣。

To love someone as despicable as you! 居然会爱上你这样卑鄙的人!

You know things are bad in Japan when they're doing business like the despicable Chinese. 你要知道,当日本开始像卑劣的中国那样做生意的时候,事情就变得很糟糕了。

I mean, I find that-that really despicable. 我是说,我认为那很可鄙。

Frank whitaker: I know it's wrong because it makes me feel despicable. 弗兰克惠特克:我知道这是错误的,因为它让我有卑鄙的感觉。

A person regarded as despicable or treacherous. 卑鄙的人:被认为是卑鄙的或奸诈的人。

The despicable wretch who stole the old woman's money. 偷了老太婆钱的那个卑鄙的家伙。

Would do something as despicable as murder; ugly crimes; the vile development of slavery appalled them. 会做出像谋杀一样卑鄙的举动;可耻的罪行;奴隶制度的卑鄙发展惊呆了他们。

Of all possible versions, this verdict is the most despicable, he said after the ruling. 在判决发出以后,他说:在所有可能的判决结果中,这一判决是最卑鄙的一个。

How despicable he was! 他这人多么卑劣呀!

She is a despicable person! 她是个可鄙的女人。

I was couraged to face human's evil, selfish and despicable. 敢于正视人性的罪恶、自私与卑鄙。

She also asked about her mother living together with me is what I did not make despicable means. 她妈妈还问她与我同居是不是我使了什么卑鄙的手段。

He condemned these "despicable terrorist actions" in the statement. 他在声明中谴责这些「可鄙的恐怖行为」。

He is too nice a man to do anything as despicable as murder. 他这人太光明磊落了,根本不可能去干谋杀这类可鄙的事。

Destroyed by your despicable family! 被你卑鄙的家族毁了!

He's the most despicable man, capable of anything. 他卑鄙下流无耻下贱,什么都齐了。

He's a despicable human being! 他是个可鄙之徒!

He is a stupid or despicable person. 他是一个愚蠢或卑劣的人。

I can't tell you what a despicable man he was. 我无法形容那人是多么卑鄙。

It may sound despicable to you, did to me. 这对你听起来可能有些卑劣,对我也一样。

Deceitful and despicable is one description that wronged wives could apply to their cheating husbands. 受了委屈的妻子们往往用欺骗和卑鄙这样的词来形容她们的丈夫。

But this is truly despicable. 但是这真的很卑鄙。



abominable adj. 令人厌恶的,极其讨厌的


〔例证〕Their cruel treatment of animals was abominable.他们对待动物的残忍行为实在令人憎恶。Robbery is one of the most abominable crimes.抢劫是最令人憎恶的罪行之一。

contemptible adj. 〈文〉可鄙的


〔例证〕He never believed those contemptible rumours.他从未信过那些可鄙的谣言。The cop was portrayed as a contemptible coward.那个警察被刻画成可鄙的胆小鬼。

despicable adj. 〈正式〉令人厌恶的,卑鄙的


〔例证〕It was despicable of him to abandon his wife and children.他抛弃了妻小,实在是卑鄙。The bombing was a despicable crime.这次爆炸是一起卑劣的罪行。

detestable adj. 〈正式〉可憎的,可恨的


〔例证〕Liars are detestable.说谎话的人令人憎恨。The detestable murderer was hanged.那个可恨的凶手被处以绞刑。



morally reprehensible

would do something as despicable as murder

ugly crimes

the vile development of slavery appalled them

a slimy little liar


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