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adj.浓密的; 茂密的; 多叶的




浓密的growing thickly

a bushy beard/tail 密匝匝的胡子;毛茸茸的尾巴

bushy eyebrows浓密的眉毛

茂密的;多叶的growing thickly, with a lot of leaves


ADJ-GRADED 浓密的Bushy hair or fur is very thick....bushy eyebrows.浓眉

...a bushy tail.毛茸茸的尾巴

ADJ-GRADED (枝叶)茂密的A bushy plant has a lot of leaves very close together....strong, sturdy, bushy plants.挺拔、茁壮、茂密的植物


Pinch out the tips of the young growths to make for compact, bushy plants. 掐掉幼株的芽尖以便让它们长得紧凑浓密,呈丛生状。

In that leafy, flowery, bushy time, to look for any one in this garden was like playing at "hide-and-seek". 在这树密枝长叶茂花繁的时节,要在这个花果园里寻找谁,简直就象玩“捉迷藏”一样了。

A fox has a big, bushy tail. This is a good tail to have on cold nights. 狐狸也有一条大的、绒毛浓密的尾巴,这条尾巴在寒冷的夜晚真是有用极了。

Any of several small bushy trees having pink or white blossoms and usually bearing nuts. 小型灌木状树种,开粉红或白色花并经常结坚果。

My brother has a bushy head of hair. 我的哥哥有浓密的头发。

I mean, I can get, you know, pretty bushy. 我是说,你知道的,我的头发可以长得很浓密。

We could see a squirrel's bushy tail sticking out from behind the tree's trunk. 我们能看见松鼠那毛茸茸的尾巴从树干后伸出来。

The stranger's face was hidden by dark& Blue spectacles and Bushy sidewhiskers. 陌生人戴着深蓝色的眼镜,加上浓密的络腮胡子,整个脸都被遮盖了。

Raccoon-like omnivorous mammal of Mexico and the southwestern United States having a long bushy tail with black and white rings. 墨西哥和美国西南部形似浣熊的杂食性哺乳动物,长而多毛的尾巴上有黑色和白色的环。

Hermione, her bushy hair tied back in a long plait; 赫敏又把她浓密的头发绑回成了长辫子;

He had a bony gentle face with bushy eyebrows. 他的脸憔悴,温和,眉毛很浓。

He had a beard, not very, you know, not very bushy beard, but he had a beard. 他留着胡子,不太,你知道,不太浓密的胡子,但是有胡子。

Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails. 有些动物,如狐和松鼠,有蓬松的尾巴。

A tree with limbs cut back to promote a more bushy growth of foliage. 一种被截去树枝的树,修剪后以促进更多的叶子生长。

Bushy honeysuckle with twining branches and white or yellow-white flowers; southern United States. 一种浓密的忍冬,具有缠绕的枝和白色或黄白的花;产自美国南部。

Large bushy shrub with pungent pointed leaves and creamy white flowers; central and eastern Australia. 大的浓密的灌木,有刺激性气味的尖的树叶和乳白色的花;澳大利亚中部和东部。

He glared at me from under his bushy eyebrows. 他的眼睛从那浓密的眉毛下怒视着我。

He has a bushy beard. 他有浓密的胡子。

He had bushy eyebrows that grew together in the centre. 他长着毛茸茸的眉毛,眉宇间连在一起。

The common annual twining or bushy bean plant grown for its edible seeds or pods. 普通的一年生缠绕或茂密形豆类植物,其种植目的主要是为了获取可食的种子或豆荚。

His hair was almost white, but his eyebrows were bushy and still black. 他的头发几乎全已发白,但是眉毛仍旧浓黑。

He had a long bushy beard, which covered most of his face. 他长着一大把茂密的胡子,把大部分脸都遮住了。

Western United States bushy herb having yellow pealike flowers. 美国西部灌木般草本植物,开黄色豌豆般的花。

He's six feet tall, with bushy golden hair. 他六英尺高,有着浓密的金色头发。

Now the eyes under their bushy gray brows had that sly look again. 现在那一双在浓重的灰眉毛下面的眼睛又发出了那种诡秘的表情。

This beautiful shrub rose has a bushy, upright habit, holding the flowers well above the foliage. 这个美丽的玫瑰灌木有浓密的,正直的习惯,远高于举行树叶的花朵。

You see a strong, stout man with a bushy beard. 你看见一个胡子拉碴、长得五大三粗的男人。

Bushy annual weed of central North America having greenish flowers and winged seeds. 北美洲中部的浓密的一年生野草,有绿色的花和长翼的种子。

Small genus of tropical American spiny bushy shrubs or trees. 属于美国热带的多刺的浓密的灌木丛或乔木的小属。

I have got a long body, a narrow little head, lots of fur and a big, bushy tail. 我有一个长长的身体,窄窄的小头,许多毛和一个又大又浓密的尾巴。



resembling a bush in being thickly branched and spreading

used of hair

bushy locks

a shaggy beard


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