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science citation index

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网络科学引文索引; 美国科学引文索引; 科學引文索引; 科学文献索引; 科学引用索引


Chinese Social Science Citation Index ( CSSCI) is an important tool for the evaluation of productive force of social sciences. 《中文社会科学引文索引》(CSSCI)是评价社会科学生产力的重要工具。

At present, papers published by Chinese researchers in journals quoted in the Science Citation Index can bring substantial rewards, such as professorships, research grants and even housing. 目前,中国科学家在SCI引用的国际期刊上发表论文,经常会给他们带来丰厚的待遇,诸如教授职位、研究资助甚至是住房。

Taking data from Science Citation Index database 1996-2000, we collected and analyzed the nanotechnology papers, and presented the status of the co-operate and published of the papers in the world; 依据SCI1996-2000年的纳米科技论文数据,统计和分析了世界各国纳米论文发表及合作研究情况;

Objective To find out information of Alzheimer's disease ( AD) related literatures cited by science citation index ( SCI), and to offer references to selecting scientific research items, scientific cooperation and intercommunion, and publishing scientific papers. 目的了解科学引文索引(SCI)收录阿尔茨海默病相关文献的情况,为科研选题、科技合作与交流以及科研成果发表提供有益的参考。

The Layout and Uses of Science Citation Index Expanded 扩展版科学引文索引(SCIE)的编排和利用

Applied Research and Statistical Analysis of Chinese Natural Science Citation Index 《中文自然科学引文索引》的开发研究与统计分析

The analysis of journals published in China and selected by Science Citation Index in 1990~ 1999 美国《科学引文索引》1990-1999年选录国内科技类期刊的情况分析

Drawing on the arranging experience of the world four indexes for reference, Chinese Science Citation Index ( CSCI) and Chinese Social Science Citation Index ( CSSCI) are created as Chinese searching implements of the same kind. 中文科学引文索引(CSCI)和中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)两大系统,是借鉴世界四大索引的编排经验建立起来的同类型检索工具。

The feature products from Institute Scientific Information ( ISI) and their journal selection standards are introduced. The use of Science Citation Index ( SCI) in the assessment of research is discussed. 介绍了美国科学信息研究所(InstituteforScientificInformation,ISI)的主要信息产品及选刊标准,讨论了《科学引文索引》(ScienceCitationIndex,SCI)在科研绩效评价中的作用及应注意的问题。

This article reviews the evaluation system of Institute of Scientific Information ( ISI) on the journals cited by Science Citation Index ( SCI) database and analyzes the situation of the journals published in the mainland China by SCI, as well as the publication of Peking University. 本文在回顾美国科学情报研究所(ISI)对收入科学引文索引(SCI)的期刊评价体系的基础上,分析了中国大陆被SCI收录期刊的现状和北京大学理科发表论文的情况。

This paper introduces Science Citation Index ( SCI), its structure and feature. The paper also discusses its role and significance. 介绍美国《科学引文索引》(SCI)的概况、结构及特点以及SCI的作用和重要意义。

The Influence of Science Citation Index ( U.S.A) in China 美国《科学引文索引》在中国的影响

Adopting Social Economic Statistics and Mathematical Statistics, this paper gives a comprehensive evaluation of journals collected in Science Citation Index ( SCI), published by Institute of Scientific Information, USA. 本文采用社会经济统计学和数理统计学相结合的方法,对美国科学情报研究所出版的《科学引文索引》(简称《SCI》)收录的期刊进行综合评价。

Design and Implementation of Chinese Police Science Citation Index 中国警察科学引文索引系统的设计与实现

This paper introduced SCI ( Science Citation Index) and its source Periodicals of agronomy and some points for attention of submitting papers and searching. 本文对SCI及其所收录的农学核心期刊加以介绍,并指出投稿的注意事项,以便于该专业的科研人员检索和投稿。

The paper provides information on Chinese environmental core journals, Engineering Information Compendex, ( EI) and Science Citation Index ( SCI) and technical paper review process of two international environmental journals. 概要地介绍了中文环境科技核心期刊、美国《工程索引》(EI)和《科学引文索引》(SCI)收录中国科研论文的情况,以及两份知名英文环境期刊的论文评审标准。

The features and the actions of "science citation index" 《科学引文索引》的特点与作用

The Functions of Chinese Social Science Citation Index ( CSSCI) in Scientific Research and Management 《中文社会科学引文索引》在科研及管理中的作用

This study was designed to make a comparative evaluation of the performance of Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica, Biological Abstracts and Science Citation Index covering medical literature with the method of bibliometrics. 本文利用文献计量学方法,对世界权威科技文献情报源INDEXMEDICUS,ExcerptaMedica,BiologicalAbstracts和ScienceCitationIndex收录医学文献的情况进行了比较研究。

Science Citation Index ( SCI) is widely accepted as an authoritative objective evaluation criterion of science research. 《科学引文索引》(SCI)是目前国际上广泛承认的一种比较权威、相对客观的科研成果评价标准。

In this paper, We induce the features and the functions of "Science Citation Index" 本文归纳了《科学引文索引》的特点及其独特功能

The author introduces the basic characteristics of SCI ( Science Citation Index), makes the statistic analysis of the papers of our institute cited by SCI, points out the reasons of low citation rate, and offers ways to improve it. 介绍了SCI的基本情况,对我校被SCI收录的情况进行统计分析,指出了低收录率的原因,提出了提高收录率的方法和对策。

The concepts and roles of the Science Citation Index ( SCI) and the Index Factor ( IF) were introduced briefly, and the relevant points were proposed for medical doctoral candidates to publish their dissertations in the source journals of the SCI. 本文介绍了美国科学引文索引(SCI)及其影响因子(IF)的概念和作用,探讨了医学博士研究生在SCI源期刊发表学位论文的相关问题。

Based on the analysis of the Journal Citation Report ( JCR) by the Scientific Information Institute ( ISI) of the United States, a statistic study was carried out on the sports journals included in the Science Citation Index ( SCI). 通过分析美国ISI公司的《期刊引用报告》(JCR),对SCI收录的体育期刊进行统计分析。

Which journals of management science are covered by SCI and Social Science Citation Index ( SSCI)? SCI和SSCI收录了哪些管理科学方面的期刊?

Science Citation Index Compact Disc Edition-Retrieval System 科学引文索引光盘检索系统

Science Citation Index ( SCI) and Evaluation on Scientific Researches in Sports SCI与体育科学研究评价

This article describes how to retrieval Science Citation Index database using DIALOG, and sums up some tips of searching author index and citation index in order to decrease the total cost of online searching. 探讨了如何利用DIALOG联机系统中SCI数据库进行论文收录与引用情况的检索,总结了论文收录与引用的规律以及节省联机检索费的技巧。

Using Science Citation Index to Evaluate Scientific Research Achievement 利用《科学引文索引》进行科研成果评价

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