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n.遗产; 祖传财产; 文化遗产; 文物 ; 国家(或教堂等)的财产




遗产;祖传财产property that is given to sb when their father dies

文化遗产;文物 ;国家(或教堂等)的财产the works of art and treasures of a nation, church, etc.


N-SING 祖传财产;世袭财产Someone's patrimony is the possessions that they have inherited from their father or ancestors.I left my parents' house, relinquished my estate and my patrimony.我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。

N-SING (国家的)文物,遗产A country's patrimony is its land, buildings, and works of art.In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses.20世纪30年代,全国名胜古迹托管协会开始行动起来拯救英国面临威胁的文物级乡村宅第。


I left my parents 'house, relinquished my estate and my patrimony. 我离开了父母的家,放弃了我的房产和祖传财产。

In the 1930's, The National Trust began its campaign to save Britain's patrimony of threatened country houses. 20世纪30年代,全国名胜古迹托管协会开始行动起来拯救英国面临威胁的文物级乡村宅第。

Our shared patrimony obviated any need for further elaboration; as a European Jew addressing an American one, he knew exactly at what I was aiming. There is no future for Jews in France, he said. 我们骨子里共同的东西不需要更多的言语解释,一名欧洲犹太人和一名美国人的对话心有灵犀,他对我的目的心知肚明:在法国的犹太人没有未来,他说。

We give today to the National Institute of Culture a group of objects which belong to the cultural patrimony of all Peruvians. 今天,我们把一批文物移交给国家文化研究所,这是所有秘鲁人的文化遗产。

There is now a drive for changing the Constitution and removing provisions that protect the national patrimony and economy. 当前存在着一个修改宪法并去除国家遗产与经济保护的驱力。

His grandfather left the patrimony to him. 他的祖父把祖传的财物留给了他。

He had received from them a liberal education, and from his father a small patrimony, which he had soon exhausted. 他从他们那里受到了开明的教育,又从他父亲那里接受了一小笔遗产。但他很快就把钱挥霍殆尽。

The entire world is given to us, and all our powers have their final meaning in the faith that by their help we are to take possession of our patrimony. 若将整个世界给予我们,我们身上所有的神奇力量在信念上拥有了决定性的内涵,通过这种神奇的力量的帮助,我们得以占有我们祖传的遗产。

Today, when I'm back home, I receive respect because of the good name passed on as my father's patrimony and upheld to this day by me and my siblings. 如今,我回到家乡,由于好名声我获得了尊敬。这是父亲留给我们的,我们兄弟姐妹一直共同维护着。

Recoverable pecuniary damage is a diminution of the victim's patrimony caused by the damaging event. 可回复的财产损害指受害人在损害事件中遭受的财物的减少。

Trust as Patrimony: A Comparative Law Perspective 作为财团的信托&比较法上的考察与分析



an inheritance coming by right of birth (especially by primogeniture)


a church endowment

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