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ADJ-GRADED 天真的;幼稚的If you describe someone as naive, you think they lack experience and so expect things to be easy or people to be honest or kind.It's naive to think that teachers are always tolerant...认为老师们总那么宽容是幼稚的。

I must have been naive to think we would get my parents' blessing.我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福。

...naive idealists...天真的理想主义者

Their view was that he had been politically naive.他们认为他在政治上一直很幼稚。


The opposite of cynicism is optimism tinged with naivety. 而与愤世嫉俗相反的则是近乎天真的乐观派。

The internet can be full of dark, scary people who prey upon people` s naivety and innocence. 互联网上可能充斥着各种阴森恐怖的人,他们专门利用人们的天真无邪。

Youthful naivety has had its drawbacks. 年少天真有其缺点。

This naivety being conditioned from what I have seen of Chinese propaganda films and East German television. 这个天真来此我看到中国宣传电影,和东德电视。

There's that healthy naivety in the creator, which helps him or her to ignore the rules ( since they're not known in the first place) and possibly stumble onto an innovate idea. 创作者身上的健康的单纯,会帮助他或者她忽视规则,(因为他们一开始就不知道),可能跌跌撞撞的就想出了创意的点子。

My own naivety shamed me. She was conscious of her flat nose. 我为自己的幼稚感到难为情。她为自己的扁鼻子感到难为情。

I asked, displaying the New World naivety so despised in the ancient culture that is China. ,我带着为中国古代文化所不齿的新世界式天真神情问道。

The President smiled, with fatigued tolerance for a minor person's naivety. 总统笑了笑,疲惫地表现出对一个下级人员的天真想法的宽容。

The result is a thorough and fascinating reconstruction of a tragedy that encompassed treachery, naivety, inter-service rivalry and, everywhere, bravery. 最终,她的成书全面彻底而且引人入胜地再现了一个悲剧,这个悲剧交织着背叛、纯真、工作上的竞争以及无所不在的勇气。

Looking back now, I can recognize so well the delightful safety net of childhood's naivety and the belief that all could be explained somehow, somewhere. 如今,回首过去,我能清楚地看出儿童时代的天真烂漫就像一张安全网,让我们快乐,并认为一切事情都能在某个地方得到某种解释。

How much a role did your own naivety play in what panned out? 在结果中,你自己的天真扮演了多么大的角色?

She was using the word'love'already, and with a naivety. 她已经怀着天真浪漫心情用了“爱”这个词儿。

They laughed at the naivety of his suggestion. 他们嘲笑他提的建议太幼稚。

He combined curious qualities of naivety with incisive wit and worldly sophistication. 他集天真质朴的好奇、锐利的机智和老练的世故于一体。

The experience in China shattered my naivety about the possibility for people to disregard race. 中国之行,粉碎了我认为没有种族歧视的天真想法。

Yinling's naivety made Huan Zang want to love her more deeply. 婴宁的天真烂漫使得黄章爱她更为深刻。

She exposes his scholarly purblindness and political naivety and his late realisation of the true nature of German National Socialism. 在书中,她还谈及佩夫斯纳学术上的盲点,政治上的天真,以及后来其对纳粹主义本质的认识。

My naivety seemed to be humorous to my colleagues. 在我的同事们看来,我的天真非常滑稽。

Mozart's music is characterized by its naivety and clarity. 莫扎特的音乐特色是纯朴兴清澈。

It's very positive that there's so much optimism, but it should not be translated into naivety. 有如此多的乐观思想,这是很积极地,但是不应该被认为是幼稚的。

In retrospect I cannot but marvel at the extent of my naivety and ignorance then. 回首过去,我无法不对自己当时表现出的幼稚和无知程度感到惊讶。

Its lack of concern about almost single-handedly driving up prices could reflect urgency rather than naivety. 中国不在乎几乎正凭一己之力推动大宗商品价格上涨,反映的可能是中国的紧迫感,而非天真。

People, loses their naivety and become hypocritical after bedecking. 人,经过修饰失去纯真,变得虚伪。

It's a mixture of narcissism and naivety. 这真是有些自我陶醉天真烂漫。

What you have lost is a lot of naivety and idealism about the political economy of development. 你亦失去很多的是对于政治经济发展的天真和完美主义。

Despite of her experiences, she still maintains her naivety as a vulnerable child, sticking to her ideals, even if parts of them are out of date. 尽管经历复杂,她还保持着她孩子似的敏感脆弱天真。她坚持自己的价值观,即使有些已经落后于时代了。

What they get from this kind of teaching is some social hints and mechanically-acquired knowledge at the cost of naivety, independent thinking and comprehension of problems. 儿童在这种教学中获得的是社会暗示性、机械记忆和表面的知识,失去的是率性、独立思考和对问题的理解。

I think her naivety is charming& she's so unspoilt and fresh. 我认为她的天真很可爱&她是那样无瑕,纯洁。

Basic assumptions are treated with a naivety which emphasizes how fanatical these people really are. 对待一些基本假想的那股天真劲儿,充分说明这些人确是多么狂热。

I am thinking if we all keep naivety, perhaps we can be happier in this world. 我在想,如果我们都能保持一份童真,也许在这个世界上我们可以变得更快乐!



lack of sophistication or worldliness


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