railway station
railway station汉语翻译:
名词 railway station:
terminal where trains load or unload passengers or goods同义词:railroad station, railroad terminal, train station, train depot
例句:A railway station is no place for a child to be left alone at night.火车站可不是让儿童在晚上独自呆的地方。
Hurry up, or we cannot get to the railway station on time.快些,否则我们不能按时赶到火车站了。
This building fronts the railway station.这栋建筑面朝火车站。
He guided the man through the streets to the railway station.他带这个人走过街道到火车站。
We determined to go to the railway station at once.我们决定立刻去火车站。
Have you seen the house opposite the railway station?你看到火车站对面的房子了吗?
Can you tell me the nearest way to the railway station?你能告诉我去火车站最近的路吗?
Can you tell me the way to the railway station?你能告诉我往火车站的路怎么走吗?
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