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来源: 时间:2024-10-03 20:57:55 浏览量:

n. 饲养, 进料, 加料
a. 供给饲料的, 摄取食物的
【医】 喂养, 饲, 哺英语解释:
名词 feeding:

the act of consuming food同义词:eating

the act of supplying food and nourishment同义词:alimentation

动词 feed:

provide as food同义词:feed

give food to同义词:feed, give

feed into; supply同义词:feed

introduce continuously同义词:feed, feed in

support or promote同义词:feed

take in food; used of animals only同义词:feed, eat

serve as food for; be the food for同义词:feed

move along, of liquids同义词:run, flow, feed, course

profit from in an exploitatory manner同义词:prey, feed

gratify同义词:feed, feast

provide with fertilizers or add nutrients to同义词:fertilize, fertilise, feed


I've arranged with the neighbours about feeding the cats.我已和邻居商量妥喂猫的事。

The baby needs feeding.这婴儿需要喂了。

She sat the baby up and tried feeding him.她让婴儿坐起来,试着喂他吃东西。

The cows were feeding on hay in the barn.母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。

You look very pale; I think you need feeding up a bit.你面色不好,得多吃些东西保养一下。

The keeper is feeding the animals.饲养员正在喂动物。

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