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来源: 时间:2024-10-03 22:06:58 浏览量:

n. 含羞草
【医】 含羞草属英语解释:
名词 mimosa:

evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers同义词:silver wattle, Acacia dealbata

any of various tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Mimosa having usually yellow flowers and compound leaves

a mixed drink containing champagne and orange juice

Any of various mostly tropical herbs, shrubs, and trees of the genusMimosa, having globular heads of small flowers with protruding stamens and usually bipinnate, compound leaves that are often sensitive to touch or light.
含羞草:一种含羞草 属的多种热带草本植物、灌木及乔本植物,开球状小花,花蕊突出,通常生有二回羽状复叶,对触模和光很敏感
See silk tree
参见 silk tree
A drink consisting of champagne and orange juice.
New Latin Mimosa [genus name]
现代拉丁语 Mimosa [属名]
from Latin momus [mime (from the plant`s apparent mimicry of animal reactions)]
源自 拉丁语 momus [模仿(由该植物对动物反应的模仿而来)]
from Greek mimos
源自 希腊语 mimos

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