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来源: 时间:2024-10-04 06:15:53 浏览量:

【机】 轻敲, 起模英语解释:
动词 rap:

strike sharply同义词:rap, knap

make light, repeated taps on a surface同义词:tap, rap, knock, pink

perform rap music同义词:rap

talk volubly同义词:rap


He got a rap over the knuckles from the teacher for not doing enough work.他没做完功课挨了老师一通训。

He rapped the government on the knuckles for wasting the public money.他尖刻地抨击政府浪费公款。

The chairman rapped on the table for order.主席敲击桌子以维持秩序。

There is a light rap at the door.有轻轻的敲门声。

TAG: rapping

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