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adj.侧面的; 横向的; 向侧面移动的
n.边音(如lie一词中 /l/ 的发音)




侧面的;横向的;向侧面移动的connected with the side of sth or with movement to the side

the lateral branches of a tree树的侧枝

lateral eye movements眼睛的两侧运动


边音(如lie一词中 /l/ 的发音)a consonant sound which is produced by placing a part of the tongue against the palate so that air flows around it on both sides, for example /l/ in lie


ADJ 侧面的;横向的;侧向的Lateral means relating to the sides of something, or moving in a sideways direction.McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches.麦金农估计大桥的侧向移动介于4至6英寸之间。


Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability. 压缩空气的喷吐使飞机的左右和前后都能保持稳定。

McKinnon estimated the lateral movement of the bridge to be between four and six inches. 麦金农估计大桥的侧向移动介于4至6英寸之间。

The inferior and lateral convex border of the stomach is the greater curvature. 胃的下方及侧面凸缘是胃大弯。

These three levels mentioned above constitute the lateral structure of the system of scientific methods. 以上三个层次,构成了科学方法体系的横向结构。

Applying ultrasound to observe lateral pharyngeal wall movement has practical value in clinical treatment of cleft palate patient. 应用超声波观察咽侧壁运动,在临床上对腭裂患者治疗方面具有实用价值。

Patients with posterior cruciate ligament, lateral collateral ligament, or only grade-I or II MCL injury were excluded. 后交叉韧带、外侧副韧带或仅有I或II度MCL损伤的患者均予以排除。

Lateral roots are important to plants for the uptake of nutrients and water. 侧根对植物养分和水分吸收是非常重要的。

Study on the Biomechanical and Histological Effects of Rupture ACL on the Lateral Meniscus 前交叉韧带断裂对外侧半月板影响的生物力学和组织学研究

Split the lateral surfaces and the trunk surface with the roof surface. 斯普利特的横向面和躯干表面的屋顶表面。

Vertical and lateral bending of the steel roof of the deviation should be allowed to meet the norms. 钢屋架的垂直度和侧向弯曲的允许偏差应符合规范的规定。

Eye movement revealed limitation of superior rectus, lateral rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of left eye. 眼球运动显示左眼上直肌,外直肌,及下斜肌功能受损。

The measured variables were axial rotation, varus angulation, lateral translation, and anterior translation. 测量变量为轴向旋转、内翻角、外向平移和前向平移。

Check radial and lateral runout during the first measuring run. 检查第一次测量过程中的径向跳动和横向跳动。

The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision. 在腹直肌切口外侧切开肌肉和筋膜层。

Conclusion Lateral attic wall reconstruction and sealing of attic cell prevent the recurrence of cholesteatoma. 结论上鼓室封闭和上鼓室成型可以防止胆脂瘤复发。

Study on the Lateral and Vertical Structure of Organic Field Effect Transistors 基于横向和垂直结构的有机场效应晶体管的研究

It is pided into two parts, the lateral and medial thalamus. 它分为两个部分&外侧丘脑和内侧丘脑。

This dissection usually diides the anterolateral malleolar and lateral tarsal arteries. 在此解剖过程中常会切断踝前外侧动脉和跗外侧动脉。

Take it on the distal side of lateral incisors when necessary. 如果有必要,放在侧切牙的远中面上。

The main pivot is so large that there's no lateral movement at all from the rear. 主要支点是如此之大,有没有横向运动,在所有从后方。

This paper gives an accurate analytic method of lateral natural vibration of beams with lumped masses and elastic supports. 本文给出带集中质量和弹性支承梁横向固有振动的精确分析方法。

The podium can achieve the effect of security protection for speakers from the front side and lateral sides. 该演讲台能从正面和侧面对演讲者起到安全保护的作用。

Dynamic stiffness for lateral vibration of a viscoelastic floating pile in a nonlinear viscoelastic soil layer is investigated. 该文研究了非线性粘弹性土层中粘弹性悬浮桩侧向振动的动力刚度。

The design approach of internal structure parameters of flat fan nozzles with a lateral V-shaped cut was presented. 对侧向V型狭缝式扁平扇形喷嘴的内部结构参数设计方法进行了研究。

Results The best device configuration consisted of a parasternal electrode and a left lateral thoracic pulse generator. 结果:最佳装置结构包含一个胸骨旁电极和左侧胸廓脉冲发生器。

Intermediate Between two structures, one of which is medial and the other lateral. 中间两个结构之间,即内侧和外侧之间。

While it is being compacted, considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete. 在压实过程中,混凝土加上了相当的侧压力。

This paper introduces a harmful drift angle to control the lateral stiffness of high-rise structures with transfer storey. 提出采用有害位移角来控制带转换层高层建筑结构的侧向刚度。

Most of the gland is located posterior and lateral to the ascending ramus and angle of the mandible. 腮腺大部分位于下颌骨的上升支侧部和下颌角的后部。

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