a. 意外的, 偶然的, 非主要的, 附属的
n. 临时记号, 次要方面
【法】 偶然事故, 附属物词型变化:
名词 accidental:
a musical notation that makes a note sharp or flat or natural although that is not part of the key signature
形容词 accidental:associated by chance and not an integral part同义词:adventitious
occurring or appearing or singled out by chance同义词:casual, chance
without intention (especially resulting from heedless action)同义词:inadvertent
例句:Bad man, the accidental, noble outlaw.有坏人啦,出人意料的逃。
The discovery of how bronze is made was probably accidental, but it turned out to be an important event.发现如何制造青铜可能是偶然的,但结果证明这是一项很重要的事情。
A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.巧合,凑巧虽是偶然的,但似乎是经计划或安排的一系列事件
Our meeting was quite accidental.我们的相遇是很偶然的。
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