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来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-10-07 21:36:58 浏览量:


Brush teeth读音: [br? ti:θ] 刷牙例句:1、Thoroughly brush teeth and gums twice daily 每天两次彻底刷净牙齿和牙龈。

2、Number of times of brushing teeth with time: Must brush teeth sooner or later, gargle.刷牙的次数和时间:早晚必须刷牙,漱口。

3、It's a ritual& shower, comb hair, shave, brush teeth, dress. 它仿佛成为了一种必经的步骤,淋浴,梳头,剃须,刷牙,着装。

4、You wash face, brush teeth first and then come to eat breakfast. 哦,对不起,我现在去做早饭。


5、Later ah, usually brush teeth, can't eat sugar more with other sweet thing. 以后呀,经常刷牙,不能多吃糖和其他甜的东西。

扩展资料:toothwash洗牙读音:英 ['tu:θw?] 美 ['tu:θw?] 例句:1、During the Spring Festival holidays, the Municipal Stomatology Hospital and many dental clinics became extremely busy suddenly, as toothwash has become a new fashion. 春节过节这几天可忙坏了市口腔医院等牙科诊所,抽空洗牙成了一种新时尚。

2、As our reporter learnt, in the7-day period, people coming to the stomatology hospital for toothwash never stopped, and many of them came for toothwash for the first time. 据了解,放假的7天里,来市口腔医院洗牙的人一直都没断过,其中有许多还是第一次来洗牙。

短语1、我刷牙 I brush my teeth ; I am brushing ; I brush your teeth2、刷牙洗脸 Brush your teeth wash ; Grooming ; Brush wash3、有效刷牙 Toothbrushing Effectively4、刷牙单位 Brushing unit5、不要刷牙 No toothbrushing6、请刷牙 Brush your teeth, please7、刷牙法 Bass method of brushing ; iutrasulcular method ; bass8、每天刷牙 Brush teeth everyday9、她刷牙 She was brushing her teeth


TAG: brushteeth

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