
来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-10-08 04:58:00 浏览量:

n. 日落, 同伙, 组合, 集合, 装置
vt. 放, 安置, 放置, 设定, 使凝结, 点燃, 确定, 点缀, 使就位, 树立, 分配, 调整
vi. 日落, 凝固, 定型, 搁住, 结果, 适合
a. 决心的, 规定的, 故意的, 持久的, 固定的, 老套的, 准备好的
【计】 设置; DOS内部命令:改变或显示分配给环境变量的值
【化】 凝结; 套; 组; 装置; 机组
【医】 凝固; 套
【经】 组; 创
set one's affections on sth
set sb's heart at rest
set sb's heart at ease
set one's house in order
set sb to a task
set someone's teeth on edge
set store by
set the pace
set to rights
set to work
set sail
be all set
be set in one's ways
be dead set on having one's own way
be hard set
set apart
set sth aside
set at
set sth back
set sb back sth
set before
set by
set sth down
set sb down
set forth
set forward
set in
set in motion
set little by
set light by
set off
set sth off
set off sth
set sb off doing
set on
set oneself against
set oneself up as
set out
set sth out
set over
set to
set up
set up for
set sb up as sth
set a watch
set the watch
set one's affections on sb词型变化:
lay, place, put, set这些动词均有“放”之意。
lay: 指小心地把人或物平放或横放,侧重动作安稳。
place: 较正式用词,指把某物放在一个正确的位置上,侧重动作的正确。
put: 普通用词,含义较广泛。指把人或物置于某处,并将其留在该处。
set: 普通用词,指为了某种目的而将人或物放在一定位置上。指物时多指立着放。英语解释:
名词 set:

a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used

(mathematics) an abstract collection of numbers or symbols

several exercises intended to be done in series同义词:exercise set

representation consisting of the scenery and other properties used to identify the location of a dramatic production同义词:stage set

an unofficial association of people or groups同义词:circle, band, lot

a relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way同义词:bent

the act of putting something in position

a unit of play in tennis or squash

the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization同义词:hardening, solidifying, solidification, curing

evil Egyptian god with the head of a beast that has high square ears and a long snout; brother and murderer of Osiris同义词:Seth

the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon

(psychology) being temporarily ready to respond in a particular way同义词:readiness

any electronic equipment that receives or transmits radio or tv signals

动词 set:

put into a certain place or abstract location同义词:put, place, pose, position, lay

fix conclusively or authoritatively同义词:determine

decide upon or fix definitely同义词:specify, determine, fix, limit

establish as the highest level or best performance同义词:mark

put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state

fix in a border

make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc同义词:fix, prepare, set up, ready, gear up

set to a certain position or cause to operate correctly

locate同义词:localize, localise, place

disappear beyond the horizon同义词:go down, go under

adapt for performance in a different way同义词:arrange

put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground同义词:plant

apply or start

become gelatinous同义词:jell, congeal

set in type同义词:typeset

put into a position that will restore a normal state

insert (a nail or screw below the surface, as into a countersink)同义词:countersink

give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor

urge a dog to attack someone同义词:sic

estimate同义词:place, put

equip with sails or masts同义词:rig, set up

get ready for a particular purpose or event同义词:set up, lay out

alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard同义词:adjust, correct

bear fruit同义词:fructify

arrange attractively同义词:dress, arrange, do, coif, coiffe, coiffure

形容词 set:

(usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed同义词:fit, primed

fixed and unmoving同义词:fixed, rigid

situated in a particular spot or position同义词:located, placed, situated

set down according to a plan:"a carefully laid table with places set for four people"同义词:laid

being below the horizon

determined or decided upon as by an authority同义词:determined, dictated

converted to solid form (as concrete)同义词:hardened


She admired the firm set of his shoulders.她喜欢他的肩膀很结实。

I rely on you to set a good example.我全靠你来树立个好榜样

She's in the top set in maths.她在数学成绩最好的班上。

She set the foods and drink before the guest.她把食物和饮料放在客人面前。

Do you have a color TV set?你有彩色电视机吗?

Nothing in the world is too hard to do if we set our minds on it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。

I received a set of gardening tools on my birthday.生日那天,我收到一套园艺工具。

I can't stop you if you are set on going.如果你决意要走,我也留不住你。

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