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来源:互联网转载 时间:2024-10-08 09:34:55 浏览量:

n.受雇者; 雇工; 雇员


N-COUNT 雇员;受雇者An employee is a person who is paid to work for an organization or for another person.He is an employee of Fuji Bank...他是富士银行的雇员。

Many of its employees are women.很多雇员是女性。

...a government employee.政府雇员


Senate employees could take their employment grievances to another branch of government 参议院的雇员可以向别的政府部门申诉工作问题。

Employees are paid salaries commensurate with those of teachers 给员工的薪水与老师拿的薪水相当。

A strike by some ten thousand bank employees has ended after the government conceded some of their demands. 政府答应了他们的一些要求后,大约有一万名银行员工参加的罢工结束了。

Employees already are in conflict with management over job cuts 雇员已经就裁员一事与管理层发生了争执。

Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme. 雇员可以退出雇主的职业养老金计划。

There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees. 雇主和雇员之间出现了信任危机。

Disgruntled employees recently called for his resignation 不满的雇员们最近要求他辞职。

Employees make regular donations to charity 员工定期向慈善机构捐赠。

The firm's employees were expecting large bonuses. 这家公司的雇员期待着发放大笔奖金。

We listen to our employees and value their input 我们听取员工的想法,重视他们的意见和建议。

They give their new employees a day or two of perfunctory orientation. 他们对新员工进行了一两天例行公事的培训。

He called together all his employees and announced that the manager was none other than his son. 他把所有的员工召集到一起,宣布经理不是别人,正是他的儿子。

When his employees were no longer of use to him, he pensioned them off. 员工对他不再有利用价值时,他就发养老金迫使他们退休。

The Europeanunionhas proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees 欧盟已经就其雇员工作时间的控制问题拟定了新的规章。

If the company was to relocate, most employees would move 如果这个公司要搬迁,多数员工也要搬家。

Employees from each department elect a representative. 每个部门的员工选举一名代表。

Taking risks is the only way employees can provide effective and efficient customer service 员工能够为客户提供有价值、高效的服务的唯一途径就是敢于冒险。

Only a handful of firms offer share option schemes to all their employees. 只有少数几家公司向所有员工提供股票期权方案。

Government employees and officers also stayed away from work during the strike 政府雇员和官员在罢工期间也没去上班。

Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company 多达2,000名旧职员以个人伤害为由向该公司提起诉讼。

96 per cent of the eligible employees took up the offer. 符合条件的雇员有96%接受了这个条件。

The companies have a total of 1,776 employees. 这些公司总计有1,776名员工。

They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees. 他们成了军队人员与平民雇员之间身份界定不清的人。

The company had a good pension scheme for the salaried employees and an ungenerous scheme for the hourly paid. 公司给受薪员工提供了一套很好的养老金计划,但给计时工提供的计划却很吝啬。

The upshot is that we have lots of good but not very happy employees 结果是我们有很多优秀然而却不太快乐的员工。

He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees 他津津乐道于员工的技能和敬业精神。

These people are difficult to write off as malingering employees. 很难将这些人简单地看作是装病怠工的员工。

Many employees were displaced by computers. 许多职员被计算机取代了。

All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable. 因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。

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