(尤指厌烦或心不在焉时)乱涂,胡写乱画to draw lines, shapes, etc., especially when you are bored or thinking about sth else
I often doodle when I'm on the phone.我打电话时常常信手乱画。
(无聊或心不在焉时)涂鸦,胡写乱画A doodle is a pattern or picture that you draw when you are bored or thinking about something else.
VERB 乱涂乱画;涂鸦When someone doodles, they draw doodles.He looked across at Jackson, doodling on his notebook.他一边朝杰克逊看过去,一边在自己的笔记本上乱涂乱画。
He looked across at Jackson, doodling on his notebook. 他一边朝杰克逊看过去,一边在自己的笔记本上乱涂乱画。
This common doodle indicates a need for security. 这个再普通不过的涂鸦实际上暗示了绘画者缺乏安全感。
And what you choose to doodle will reveal volumes about your personality and mood. 当然,你所写所画的东西还是多少会泄露一些你的性格特点和情绪。
If you doodle a bunch of perky-looking flowers you are likely to be sociable. 如果你画了一束亮眼的花,那么你是个好交际的人。
Doodle, scribble, and inscribe your memory in a special way so that you may share it. 你可以进行涂鸦,也可以随便写写,把你们的回忆用特殊的方式记录下来,这样你们就能分享这些东西。
The black and white chequerboard doodle suggests patience and persistence. 黑白两色的棋盘涂鸦解释了绘画者的耐心和耐力。
I draw and doodle; I cut and paste. 我用它画图、涂鸦、剪切、粘贴。
In any other circumstances this charming childish doodle would have been stuck to the fridge by a proud parent. 如果事情发生在其他情况下,这个可爱幼稚的涂鸦可能会被父母自豪地贴在冰箱上。
Many of my prints come from doodle or photographs. 我的很多印花来自那些涂鸦或照片。
Google doodle is now mobile. 谷歌涂鸦现在可在手机上显示。
Draw, write, and doodle on the photos of New York City walls. 你可以在一张张摄有纽约市(建筑)墙壁的相片上绘画,写字,或者涂鸦一番。
Would you sketch? Scribble? Doodle or draw? 你会素描?信笔涂鸦?画画?
I became very busy, came home from work, like a small doodle heels as follow me. 我变得非常繁忙,下班回到家,嘟嘟就像个小跟屁虫一样跟着我。
Within a few months, doodle had learned to walk well. 几个月内,嘟嘟已经很好地学会了走路。
If you feel like doodling next to an idea, all means doodle. 当你想在一个观点旁涂鸦的时候,尽管做。
Grandpa and grandma's arrival thoroughly changed the doodle life. 爷爷奶奶的到来彻底改变了嘟嘟的生活。
As soon as I had finished eating, Doodle and I hurried off to Horsehead landing. 我一吃完饭,就赶紧和嘟嘟去到豪斯海德码头。
Make a doodle; draw aimlessly. 制作涂鸦之物;无目的的画。
You do doodle on them, I always wrote all over mine. 你在你的书上乱写乱画,我也总是这样对待我自己的书。
It was time for a swimming lesson, but Doodle said he was too tired. 是上游泳课的时候了,但是嘟嘟说他太累了。
You can take notes, doodle between ( or during) meetings and make phone calls. 若您足以单手掌控这台设备,那么搭配上内置的触控笔书写笔记应该会非常惬意才是,你将可以随意涂鸦、做会议笔记并可随时拨打电话。
Doodle was born when I was seven and was, from the start, a disappointment. 嘟嘟出生时我七岁了,他从一开始就让人失望。
Once he drafts a doodle, he shows it to Page and Brin. 每当画好徽标的草图,他便会拿去给佩奇和布林看。
And at times I was mean to doodle. 有时我对嘟嘟很刻毒。
No, I don't think so. I no longer doodle on the wall. 不,我不这么看。我不再往墙上涂鸦了。
The Street Art Doodle Book enables you to find your inner street artist without leaving your home. 本书的街头艺术涂鸦作品可以让您不用离开你的家就可以找到你内心的街头艺术家。
As long as we've had walls and writing, we've had graffiti. You do doodle on them, I always wrote all over mine. 自从我们有了墙壁和书写以来,我们就有涂鸦。你在你的书上乱写乱画,我也总是这样对待我自己的书。
I used to doodle on my papers. 我从前常在纸上乱涂乱画。
Grandpa and grandma to doodle said or very strange, she began to stick her father and me. 爷爷奶奶对嘟嘟还说还是很陌生的,她开始粘我和她爸爸。
I doodle on the desk. 我在书桌上乱写乱画。
an aimless drawing
make a doodle
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