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n. 弥赛亚英语解释:
名词 messiah:

any expected deliverer同义词:christ

Jesus Christ; considered by Christians to be the promised deliverer

the awaited king of the Jews; the promised and expected deliverer of the Jewish people

an oratorio composed by Handel in 1742


Belief in a messiah.对弥赛亚的信念

A leader who assumes the role of a messiah.充当救世主角色的领导人

The Messiah, as foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament.救世主《旧约》中的先知们预言的救世主

Also Mes.si.as [m-so.…s] The anticipated deliverer and king of the Jews.
也作 Mes.si.as [m-so.…s] 救世主:犹太人所盼望的复国救主及犹太国王
Also Messias Jesus.
也作 Messias 耶稣基督
messiah A leader who is regarded as or professes to be a savior or liberator.
messiah 解救者:被看作是或自称为救世主或解放者的领导人
Middle English Messias, Messie
中古英语 Messias, Messie
from Old French Messie
源自 古法语 Messie
from Late Latin Messo3s
源自 后期拉丁语 Messo3s
from Greek
源自 希腊语
from Aramaic mμôôôa
源自 阿拉姆语 mμôôôa
or Hebrew m3ô2ô [the anointed, messiah]
或 希伯来语 m3ô2ô [基督,救世主]

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