adv.直言地; 单刀直入地
直言地;单刀直入地in a very direct way, without trying to be polite or kind
To put it bluntly , I want a porce.坦白地说,我要离婚。
‘Is she dead?’ he asked bluntly.“她死了吗?”他脱口而出。
ADJ-GRADED 直率的;不客气的;直言不讳的If you are blunt, you say exactly what you think without trying to be polite.She is blunt about her personal life...她对自己的私生活直言不讳。
She told the industry in blunt terms that such discrimination is totally unacceptable.她直截了当地告诉业界,这种歧视是完全无法接受的。ADJ (物体)钝的,不锋利的,不尖的A blunt object has a rounded or flat end rather than a sharp one.One of them had been struck 13 times over the head with a blunt object.他们中有一个人的头部被钝器击打13次。
(刀子或刀片)钝的,不锋利的A blunt knife or blade is no longer sharp and does not cut well.
VERB 使(情感、感觉、需求)减弱;使迟钝If something blunts an emotion, a feeling or a need, it weakens it.The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it...反复出现的暴力事件使人们的反应都变得麻木了。
Our appetite was blunted by the beer.喝啤酒让我们没有了胃口。双语例句
The Pope bluntly told the world's priests yesterday to stay celibate. 教皇昨天直言全世界的神父都应该禁欲。
Lord Beaverbrook, to put it bluntly, played hell with the war policy of the R.A.F 直言不讳地说,比弗布鲁克勋爵将皇家空军的作战方针搞得一团糟。
He doesn't, to put it very bluntly, give a damn about the woman or the baby 直白地说,他根本不在乎那个女人和那个小孩。
He speaks bluntly. 他说话很冲。
I'm a bit of a boor, so I hope you won't mind if I speak bluntly. 我是一个粗人,说话直来直去,你可别见怪。
To put it bluntly, this is shifting responsibility. 说穿了,无非是想推卸责任。
I'm not refined, soi can only put this bluntly. 咱们是个大老粗,说话只会直来直去。
To put it bluntly, what he wants is to get more kickbacks. 说白了,他是想多捞回扣。
I must tell you bluntly that should anything go wrong you will be held responsible. 我把丑话说在前头,事情办糟了你可得负责。
A newspaper once carried an editorial which stated bluntly that half the city council were crooks. 一次,一份报纸刊登了一篇社论,直接指出市议会里有一半人是骗子。
The president thought I should stay, she told reporters bluntly in December. 总统认为我应该留下来,去年12月她对记者坦言。
Most officials dare not say this so bluntly, but they admit that change is needed. 大多数官员都不敢说的如此直白,但他们承认确实需要改变了。
Would you mind if I bluntly call you a workaholic who almost forgets our love? 你介意我这么坦率的称呼你为抛开我们的爱情不顾的工作狂吗?
The WPP boss explains bluntly: Why did I pick Charlotte Beers? 这位WPP集团的老板坦率地解释道:我为什么选择夏洛特•比尔斯?
"Why do you live with him?" rudolph asked bluntly. “为什么你和他生活在一起呢?”鲁道夫直率地问。
To put it bluntly, when we pass our stress on to others, we violate the Golden Rule. 说白了,就是当我们把压力传递给他人的时候,我们其实是违反了黄金法则。
More than once, he stated bluntly that there would be no taxpayer money on the line for Lehman. 他不止一次直言,不会将纳税人的钱投给雷曼。
You talk bluntly about a lot of things in your book. 在你的书里坦率地谈了很多事。
He spoke bluntly; he stated his opinion flat-out; he was criticized roundly. 他直截了当地说了出来;他坦率地说出了自己的观点;他受到了严厉地批评。
To speak bluntly, that student is sure to fail the English examination. 说白了,这名学生英语考试一定会不及格的。
I hope you'll pardon me if I speak bluntly. 如果我说话有冒犯之处敬请原谅。
I bluntly, I said I went to17 countries, but also to your hotel so the money. 本人坦率地说,我说我去了17个国家,而且还使您酒店的钱。
To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men-all men. 说穿了,谁掌握了这种技术,谁就控制了人的思想-所有的人。
To put it bluntly, I think you have made a complete mess of thins. 恕我直言不讳,你把事情搞得一团糟。
Vincent had laid his plan bluntly in front of Sam. 文森特直截了当地把他的计划提到了萨姆面前。
But there was the danger of his breaking through my defense bluntly. 可是我的防线仍有被他突然冲破的危险。
Openly straightforward or frank; candid. "I went broke," he put it bluntly. 率直的,坦白的公开地直言或坦率的;直率的我破产了,他直率地说。
To speak bluntly, you are sure to fail. Such a marriage might mar your career. 直截了当地说,你一定失败。这样的婚姻说不定会毁了你的一生。
To put it bluntly, you're fired! 直截了当地说吧,你被解雇了!
We have nothing else, Mr Paulson replied bluntly. 保尔森直言不讳地回答:我们没有其它办法。
in a blunt direct manner
he spoke bluntly
he stated his opinion flat-out
he was criticized roundly
Synonym:blufflybrusquelyflat outroundly
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