round up
围捕, 使集拢
【经】 综述, 摘要, 使数目恰恰好英语解释:
名词 round up:
the activity of gathering livestock together so that they can be counted or branded or sold同义词:roundup
a summary list; as in e.g. "a news roundup"同义词:roundup
the systematic gathering up of suspects by the police同义词:roundup
动词 round up:seek out and bring together
例句:A charge of 1.90 will be rounded up to 2, and one of 3.10 rounded down to 3.把 1.90 英镑的费用上调为整数 2 英镑,把 3.10 英镑下调为整数 3 英镑。
See if you can round up the rest of the class, it's time to go back to the school.看你能否将班上其他同学叫到一起,现在该返校了。
Both parties had an active campaign to round up the votes.双方都积极开展竞选运动来拉选票。
Chalk this round up to me, please, barman.服务员,请把这些人的费用记在我的帐上。
After the murder, the police rounded up a few suspect.在谋杀案後,警察围捕了一些嫌疑犯。
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