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n.木栓,软木(一种地中海橡树皮); (尤指酒瓶的)软木塞,塑料塞




木栓,软木(一种地中海橡树皮)a light, soft material that is the thick bark of a type of Mediterranean oak tree

a cork mat软木垫

cork tiles软木薄砌块

(尤指酒瓶的)软木塞,塑料塞a small round object made of cork or plastic, that is used for closing bottles, especially wine bottles


用软木塞封(瓶)to close a bottle with a cork


N-UNCOUNT 木栓,软木(一种地中海树皮)Cork is a soft, light substance which forms the bark of a type of Mediterranean tree....cork floors.软木地板

...cork-soled clogs.软木底木屐

软木塞;塑料瓶塞A cork is a piece of cork or plastic that is pushed into the opening of a bottle to close it.


He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine. 他正在启一瓶葡萄酒的瓶塞。

She merely filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and pasted on labels 她只是装满容器,用软木塞封住,然后贴上标签。

I escaped the heatwave in London earlier this summer and flew to Cork 今年初夏我逃离了伦敦的炎热,飞往科克去避暑。

The seas grew turbulent, tossing the small boat like a cork 海浪变得汹涌澎湃,把小船像漂浮的软木塞一样抛来甩去。

That fellow bobs up like a cork. 那个人经过患难,东山再起。

The cork popped and flew out of the bottle. 啪的一声,瓶塞飞了出来。

Please cork this bottle. 请塞住这个瓶子。

He stopped the glass bottle with a cork. 他用软木塞塞住玻璃瓶。

The variations of cork characters from 10 populations of? Quercus variabilis? in Shaanxi province are analyzed. 对陕西境内10个栓皮栎群体栓皮性状变异情况进行了试验分析。

If you've drunk enough I'll cork the bottle and we can have the rest later. 你要是喝够了我就塞上瓶子,剩下的可以以后再喝。

Knife and a fork, bottle and a cork, that is the way you spell New York. 刀子和叉子,瓶子和木塞,这是你拼写纽约的法。

The cork's too big, it won't go in. 这软木塞太大了,塞不进去。

Do you think the cork will float or sink? 你认为这个软木塞会浮在水上还是会沉下去呢?

I stopped it with a cork. 我用软木塞塞住它。

He pulled one cork cleanly, but the other crumbled. 他干净利索地拔出一个塞子,但另一个塞子碎了。

The Techniques of Bleaching and Dyeing of Cork 软木(栓皮)材料的漂白和染色技术研究

Unlike wine glass manufacturers and designers, cork producers have rarely been seen on the international wine scene. 与葡萄酒杯生产商和设计师不同,软木塞制造商鲜少出现在国际葡萄酒盛会上。

Let me help you to cork up this bottle. 让我帮助你把这个瓶子塞好。

Manufacture process and influence factors of one-component polyurethane adhesive for cork products were described in detail. 详细地阐述了软木制品用单组分聚氨酯胶黏剂的制备工艺和反应过程中的影响因素。

The cork cover is on the lifting rod and is tightly matched with the rubber sleeve. 提升杆与锥形塞通过丝扣连接,塞盖套在提升杆上并与橡胶套紧密配合;

Meanwhile, paraffin-cut section method was used for studying on callus formation, cork cambium and vascular cambium initiation. 同时,运用石蜡切片法研究剥皮后愈伤组织的形成、木栓形成层和维管形成层的发生;

He pulled the cork, and tipped up the bottle and drank. 他拔掉瓶塞,把瓶底朝上举起就喝了起来。

Chueh-min pulled the cork from the bottle and poured the wine. 觉民拨起酒瓶的木塞,给众人斟了酒。

It has a cork handle and can use up to30 pound test. 它可使用软木处理多达30磅的测试。

The bending performance is effected by ratio of bonding agent in nonwovens/ cork bumf complex technics. 说明了非织造布/软木纸复合工艺中粘结剂比例直接影响复合产品的弯折性能。

The cork popped out and the champagne gushed from the bottle. 软木塞啪的一声崩掉了,香槟酒喷了出来。

Can you help me with this wine bottle? I can't get the cork out. 你能帮我打开这个酒瓶吗?我取不出这个木塞子。

AMONG snobs and sommeliers, nothing can compete with wine in a glass bottle sealed with a cork stopper. 对于自命不凡的品酒者和斟酒服务员而言,带有软木塞的瓶装葡萄酒是无与伦比的。

Can you get this cork to come out of the bottle? 你能把这个塞子从瓶子里取出来吗?

Reasons for quality problems of adhesive bond between cork sheets and composite cabin are analyzed. 分析了引起复合材料舱体软木粘贴质量问题的原因。



a small float usually made of cork


the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle)

Synonym:bottle cork

outer bark of the cork oak

(botany) outer tissue of bark



stuff with cork

The baseball player stuffed his bat with cork to make it lighter

close a bottle with a cork

Synonym:cork up

TAG: cork

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