n.好斗情绪; 攻击性; 侵犯; 挑衅; 侵略
好斗情绪;攻击性feelings of anger and hatred that may result in threatening or violent behaviour
The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.研究显示,电脑游戏可能引起好斗情绪。
侵犯;挑衅;侵略a violent attack or threats by one person against another person or by one country against another country
unprovoked military aggression无端军事侵犯
N-UNCOUNT 好斗性;攻击性Aggression is a quality of anger and determination that makes you ready to attack other people.Aggression is by no means a male-only trait.好斗性绝非男性才具有的特征。
N-VAR 侵略;侵犯Aggression is violent and attacking behaviour.The raid was an unjustifiable act of aggression.那次偷袭是一种不正当的侵略行径。
...the threat of massive military aggression.大规模军事侵略的威胁双语例句
Aggression is by no means a male-only trait. 好斗性绝非男性才具有的特征。
The raid was an unjustifiable act of aggression. 那次偷袭是一种不正当的侵略行径。
His relentless aggression bludgeons you into seeing his point. 他咄咄逼人地强迫你了解他的看法。
When Alfred Adler first postulated in 1908 that there existed an inborn instinct of aggression Freud argued against it. 当艾尔弗雷德·阿德勒于1908年首次提出人生来就有攻击性本能的假设时,弗洛伊德对此表示反对。
This aggression is the real issue the world should be concerned about. We want to keep that in focus 这次侵略才是世界应该关注的真正问题。我们想继续保持关注。
Hitherto, the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression 迄今为止,一直重点强调的是要抵抗侵略。
The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent 暴徒的侵犯令人们感到痛心、愤怒却又无能为力。
If you make aggression pay, this becomes the law of the jungle 如果你通过侵略谋取利益,这就成了弱肉强食。
Naked aggression and an attempt to change frontiers by force could not go unchallenged. 公然的侵略和企图用武力改变边界的行径是不能置之不理的。
He talked of defending small nations, of ensuring that aggression does not pay. 他谈到了保卫小国家,绝不让侵略得逞。
We will smash any aggression. 我们将粉碎任何侵略。
We will never accomodate ourselves to acts of aggression and intervention out of consideration for our relations with the power in question. 我们决不会因为考虑国家关系而对侵略和干涉行为姑息迁就。
When the war of resistance against Japanese aggression broke out, his family fled from Wuxi to shanghai. 抗日战争爆发后,他家从无锡逃难到了上海。
Brooks called on world opinion to condemn their policy of aggression. 布鲁克斯号召世界舆论谴责他们的侵略政策。
Essentially, it is a new tool of the United States for purpose of economic aggression and political overthrow. 它最根本就是为美国进行经济侵略,进行政治颠覆的新式工具。
None of these soldiers want to die in a war of aggression. 这些士兵没有一个愿意为侵略战争卖命。
The military exercise was condemned as an act of aggression. 这次军事演习被谴责为一次挑衅行为。
We will confront external aggression against our allies and partners, as we did in the Gulf War. 我们将抗击针对我们的盟友和伙伴的外来进犯,就像我们在海湾战争中所做的那样。
Social aggression is lying and cheating. 社会侵略性表现为撒谎和欺骗。
United as one, the people of that country waged a just war against aggression. 那个国家的人民团结得像一个人,进行了反侵略的正义战争。
These are malicious acts of aggression, abductions and wanton killing. 这些都是恶意的侵略行径,绑架和肆意杀戮。
This move constitutes an act of aggression. 这一举动构成了侵略行为。
How can they fail to realize that this is not the way to curb military aggression and end war? 他们怎么会不了解这不是制止军事侵略和结束战争的方法?
Nothing is more horrible than wars of aggression. 没有比侵略战争更可怕的事了。
Venezuela also condemned the military aggression against Libya, saying it violates the country's sovereignty and self-determination. 委内瑞拉也谴责对利比亚的军事进攻,称其违反了国家主权及独立性。
They, too, fell victim to its aggression. 他们也成了它侵略的受害者。
The statement condemned the country's brutal aggression against its neighbour. 声明谴责了该国对其邻邦的野蛮侵略。
Yet this aggression was stopped& by the might of coalition forces and the will of the United Nations. 然而联盟军队的力量和联合国的意志制止了这一侵略。
Reduced aggression and fighting behavior. 侵略性和打斗行为减少。
violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked
deliberately unfriendly behavior
the act of initiating hostilities
a disposition to behave aggressively
a feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack
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