v.描绘; 描画; 描写; 将…描写成; 给人以某种印象; 表现; 扮演(某角色)
描绘;描画;描写to show sb/sth in a picture; to describe sb/sth in a piece of writing
将…描写成;给人以某种印象;表现to describe or show sb/sth in a particular way, especially when this does not give a complete or accurate impression of what they are like
Throughout the trial, he portrayed himself as the victim.在审讯过程中,他始终把自己说成是受害者。
扮演(某角色)to act a particular role in a film/movie or play
Her father will be portrayed by Sean Connery.肖恩∙康纳利将饰演她的父亲。
VERB 扮演;饰演When an actor or actress portrays someone, he or she plays that person in a play or film.In 1975 he portrayed the king in a Los Angeles revival of 'Camelot'.他1975年在洛杉矶重新上演的剧目《卡米洛》中扮演国王。
...the busty and rumbustious Mrs Hall, excellently portrayed by Toni Palmer.由托妮·帕默精彩演绎的胸部丰满、吵吵嚷嚷的霍尔太太VERB 描绘;描述When a writer or artist portrays something, he or she writes a description or produces a painting of it....this northern novelist, who accurately portrays provincial domestic life.这位准确描述外省家庭生活的北方小说家
...the landscape as portrayed by painters such as Claude and Poussin.克劳德和普桑等画家所描绘的风景VERB 表现;刻画If a film, book, or television programme portrays someone in a certain way, it represents them in that way.She says the programme portrayed her as a 'lady of easy virtue'.她说这个节目把她刻画成了一个“水性杨花的女人”。
...complaints about the way women are portrayed in adverts.抗议在广告中如此刻画女性双语例句
It would be wrong to portray his life as a calculated ascent to power at any cost. 如果把他的一生描述成不惜任何代价一心想向上爬,那就错了。
That's what we tried to portray in the book, this feeling of opulence and grandeur. 那就是我们在书中竭力描绘的——一种富丽堂皇的气派。
He has worked hard in recent months to portray New York in a better light. 最近几个月里他努力从更积极的角度来描绘纽约。
Now, as for the Democrats, they've been able to use this issue quite effectively to portray the president as insensitive. 然而,对民主党人来说,他们成功利用了这个问题来渲染总统的麻木不仁。
She says the programme portrayed her as a 'lady of easy virtue'. 她说这个节目把她刻画成了一个“水性杨花的女人”。
The media love to portray us all as eye candy, but actually we all have our own personalities. 像往常那样,我只是想做我自己。媒体总喜欢叫我们花瓶,但实际上我们都有自己的个性。
People will believe the image you portray! 你所树立的形象可以赢得人们的信任!
Both programs portray the purity of love, which is expressed through a kiss or a warm hug. 两部剧都以一个吻或一个温暖的拥抱传达爱情的纯净。
You might describe an extremely unusual situation, reveal a shocking statistic, or vividly portray an alarming problem. 你可能会描绘一个异乎寻常的场面,透露一个触目惊心的数据,或者栩栩如生描述一个耸人听闻的问题。
Can you portray the best and worst aspects of this job? 您能描述一下这份工作最好与最坏的方面吗?
The pictures both portray and interpret the action. 画面同时描绘和表达了行为。
The problem is likely to be much worse than we can portray. 问题或许比我们所能描绘的严重许多。
You would portray Israel and you compare it to the rest of the Middle East. 如果你想报道以色列你最起码会和中东的其他国家做比较。
CIM represents an attempt to portray the topology of any system in a common manner. CIM代表了一种设想,即以一种公共的方法描绘任何系统的拓扑结构。
It is still considered improper to portray Christ in a play or film. 在戏剧或电影中描绘基督形象仍被认为是不妥的。
In our society, we seem to worship talent& and we often portray it as a gift. 在我们的社会里,我们似乎崇拜天赋&而且我们经常把它描绘成天才。
The actor shaved his head off in order to portray a bald man. 为扮演一个秃头男人,演员把他自己的头发剃光了。
There are very few contemporary Chinese painters who can so vividly portray the life of the minorities. 在当代画家中,能把少数民族的人物刻画得那么生动的画家实在不多见。
To help you portray your company structure, different accounting, logistics and human resources organization units are provided. 为了帮助你们描画你们的公司结构,系统中提供了一些不同的财务,物流和人力资源组织单元。
Old photographs suggest that the actors were chosen because they bear some resemblance to the people they portray. 根据陈旧的照片选择那些与他们描述的人物有很大相似性的人作为演员。
Which isn't nearly as much of a problem as the media and the emotions portray it. 这不是难事,因为几乎作为媒介和心情写照。
They tried to portray time and space in a way that is still beautiful, but can seem baffling. 他们用看似莫名,但却美妙的方法描绘时间与空间。
Romain Rolland set out to portray the adventures of the soul of his hero and succeeded magnificently; 罗曼·罗兰描绘书中主人公的心灵活动,取得了巨大的成功。
This time, I want to portray a cute Oriental girls, a unique beauty of the Orient. 这一次,我想描绘一个东方的可爱女孩,一种独特的东方美感。
It explores the settings, dramatic methods and irony that portray the characters personality profoundly. 在该小说中,海明威主要运用了场景手法、戏剧手法和嘲弄手法塑造人物的个性。
It is a marketing tool and can help portray a positive image for your company or website. 它是一个营销手段,可以帮助你的公司或者网站描绘一个积极的形象。
These portraits portray my attitude to them. 这些肖像是我对它们的一种态度。
Let's portray Assad as a man who's not a terrorist. 我们不要把阿萨德描绘成一个恐怖分子。
Advertising tends to portray women in a very traditional role. 广告倾向于把妇女描绘成担负着非常传统的职责。
portray in words
The book portrays the actor as a selfish person
make a portrait of
Goya wanted to portray his mistress, the Duchess of Alba
represent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpture
The father is portrayed as a good-looking man in this painting
assume or act the character of
She impersonates Madonna
The actor portrays an elderly, lonely man
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