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total inspection

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网络全检; 全数检验; 全数检查


I propose we compensate you by3% of the total value plus inspection fee. 我提议我们赔偿你们总价值的3%,再加上检验费。

We decide to compensate you2 percent of the total value and you should bear the inspection fee. 我们决定赔偿你方2%损失,商检费由你方负担。

The government departments, institutions allocated by the state shall layunionfunds into the total budget and allocate enough funds to tradeunionorganization on time. Analysis on the general characteristics of government routine financing support in health inspection and supervision institutions between 2001 and 2006 第二十八条财政拨款的机关、事业单位,应当按照规定将工会经费列入预算,按期向工会足额拨付。2001~2006年政府对卫生监督机构正常经费拨款投入特征分析

The features of new electro-optic products are analyzed, and a scheme of the total inspection substituted for the sampling inspection is proposed. 分析新型光电产品的特点,提出以全数检验替代以前光学产品采用抽样检验的方案。

RESULTS: A total of 1 120 persons had complete answer in questionnaire, physical inspection and biochemical index. 结果:调查中问卷、体格检查及生化指标完整者共1120人。

According to the years practices, the precaution items needed to take consideration are summarized in the paper for the total processes of on site assemble, welding sequence and inspection followup during fabrication of spherical storage tank. 根据多年实践经验,总结了球形贮罐现场施工中的组装和施焊程序及焊后检查过程中的注意事项。

Implementing methods of total control and product inspection for quality guarantee. 为保证铸件质量实施全面质量控制及成品质量检查的方法。

We have shown out several curves about sample vaporized depth and laser pulsewidth, wavelength, single pulse and total radiate energy. Histological inspection have been studied on experimental samples. 给出样品气化深度与激光脉宽、波长、单次脉冲能量和辐射总能量的关系曲线,并对样品作了组织学检查。

The effect of mixed RE on the total amount, compositions, and morphology of inclusions in Al-4% Cu alloy and the inspection method for inclusions have been investigated in this paper. 本文研究了混合稀土对Al&4%Cu合金中夹杂物总量、组成及形貌的影响。

Practice and Exploration of Yunnan "Three Total" Inspection 云南三总量检查的实践与探索

A total of 9 experiments have been finished on a high speed rotating test rig for high speed dynamic balance and unbalance deviation ( caused by assembly) inspection of power turbine rotor with solid or hollow transmission shafts. 在高速旋转试验器上完成了装实心和空心传动轴动力涡轮转子的高速动平衡及装配引起的不平衡分散度考核共9次试验。

The usual methods in product quality control, total inspection and sampling inspection, are only postmortem measurements. 对产品质量的控制,目前常采用的方法是全数检验和抽样检验法,这只能是事后剔除不合质量要求的产品,毕竟是资源的一种浪费。

A balance can be achieved between the risk cost and total expected inspection and repair costs by using the risk based optimal inspection and repair method, which is very effective in selecting the optimal inspection and repair strategy. 基于风险的优化检测及维修方法能够在风险与成本之间达到一种平衡,它在选择最优的检测及维修策略时是有效的。

That sampling inspection replaces total amount inspection can consumedly increase the efficiency of inspection and decrease the cost at the meanwhile. Therefore, to design sampling procedures of quality inspection of watt-hour meters in use has great importance. 对在线电表进行抽样检验以代替全数检验可以大大提高检验效率及降低检验成本,因此,设计一套科学的在线电表抽样检验方案具有十分重要的意义。

Finally selects the partial main social economy total quantity target from Chinese statistics yearbook 2003 to carry on the real diagnosis analysis: ( 1) Confirm these social economy total quantity targets using the description statistics and the K-S inspection method to obey the lognormal normal distribution. 然后通过从2003年中国统计年鉴资料中选取部分主要的社会经济总量指标进行实证分析:(1)利用描述统计和K-S检验法来验证这些社会经济总量指标服从对数正态分布的规律;

The results indicated that water loss and the total cost of water leakage control decreased because of the optimal inspection interval. 结果显示,总漏水量因实施优化检测周期而减少,漏损控制费用降低。

However, at the present, the detection methods of the total amount of bacteria available in China have the shortcomings of complex operation and long detection period. They are mainly used in the inspection of finished dairy products rather than the detection of the raw milk. 然而,我国现有的牛奶细菌总数检测技术存在操作复杂、检测周期长等缺点,主要用于乳制品成品的质量检测,无法从源头上确保原料奶的品质安全。

The quality control model included four sections of total quality management, namely, planning, implementation, inspection and processing. 质量控制模型主要包括全面质量管理的四个坏节,即计划、实施、检查和处理。

As for the hospitalization costs, there were no significant statistically differences between the two groups in ward bed fees, surgical fees and total costs. Intravenous-caudal anesthesia increased the anesthesia fees, but decreased the costs of drugs, care, inspection and treatment. 两组在住院总费用、床位费及手术费方面差异无统计学意义,在麻醉费用、药护费用、检查费和治疗费方面差异有统计学意义。

Among them, the article focuses on the in-depth analysis about the total amount of investment, the investment structure, investment returns and other issues in environmental industry in Shaanxi Province, inspection and filter large amounts of data, analyzes and summarizes the existing outstanding problems. 其中,文章重点对陕西省环保产业的投资总量、投资结构、投资效益等问题进行深入剖析,查阅并筛选大量数据,分析总结了现存的突出问题。

Total Quality management theory and methods and the standardization of railway construction projects such as construction quality management theory and advanced management concept, the whole process of strengthening quality control, strict quality inspection and acceptance works. 借鉴全面质量管理的理论与方法和铁路建设标准化管理理论等项目施工质量管理的先进理念,全过程强化质量控制,严格进行工程质量检查验收。

TAG: total recall

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