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n.新生; 复活; 复兴; (信仰加强或皈依另一宗教后精神上的)新生,再生




新生;复活;复兴a period of new life, growth or activity

the seasonal cycle of death and rebirth死而复生的四季轮回

(信仰加强或皈依另一宗教后精神上的)新生,再生a spiritual change when a person's faith becomes stronger or they convert to another religion


N-UNCOUNT 复兴;重生;新生You can refer to a change that leads to a new period of growth and improvement in something as its rebirth ....the rebirth of democracy in Latin America...民主在拉丁美洲的复兴

The hotel is awaiting its rebirth.饭店正在重建。


The hotel is awaiting its rebirth. 饭店正在重建。

From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of rebirth in most cultures. 在早期,复活蛋许多文明中象征着再生。

Spring also symbolized new life and rebirth; eggs were an ancient symbol of fertility. 春天也象征着生命和新生;蛋是一个古老的生育的象征。

This period marked a rebirth in civic pride. 这个时期标志着市民自豪感的复兴。

A little rebirth is what's in the making for you. 你现在正在经历一个小小的重生。

I'm sure this one is just a rebirth spirit of some sort. 我确定这只不过是某种重生灵魂中的某一个。

We have the planet of passion, truth, and rebirth focused on the zodiac sign of responsibility, integrity, and leadership. 我们有于责任、正直和领导的黄道带标志集中的激情、真相和重生行星。

Washington is about to exit the womb of the dome to experience rebirth as an immortal god. 华盛顿即将出半圆子宫,去体验重生作为一位不朽的神。

Only based on his artistic autonomy concept, can we achieve the rebirth and transcendence of T. 以艺术自律性概念为支点,才能真正实现在后现代语境下对阿多诺美学的复兴与超越。

Therefore, seeking the help of Amitabha Buddha is an essential factor for rebirth in the Pure Land. 因此,寻求的帮助下,阿弥陀佛是一个必不可少的因素重生的净土。

We are seeing, in this financial crisis, a rebirth of Keynesian economics. 在当前金融危机中,我们看到了凯恩斯主义经济学的复活。

The last few weeks, I have been cleansing myself and it's been a rebirth for myself. 在最近的几周内,我洗涤心灵重获新生,我的灵魂的浴火重生。

In the Egyptian mythology the lotus flower is a symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth. 在古老的埃及神话中,莲花象徵著万物之神&太阳,它有著创造和再生的力量。

A light-year love already has come to an end, how to let we die of love rebirth? 一光年的爱恋已到了尽头,如何让我们死去的爱重生?

The rebirth of nationalism in Europe has caused widespread consternation. 欧洲民族主义的复活引起了广泛的惊恐。

We come from the fire in flames rebirth. 吾从火中来,于火焰中重生。

During the Renaissance ( or "Rebirth" of art), Florence was a paradise for artists themselves. 在新生(或“重生”的艺术期间),佛罗伦萨是艺术家的一个天堂。

After all, it is the season of rebirth, of planting new crops, and of blossoming. 毕竟,这是本赛季的复兴,新的作物种植和开花。

After the human body has undergone the huge pain and the samsara they can be able a happier rebirth. 在肉体经受了巨大的痛苦和轮回后它们又能得以更美好的重生。

C Easter was borrowed from the pagan festival celebrating the rebirth of the sun. 复活节是借用了异教徒节庆祝太阳的复活。

Forgiveness is a rebirth of hope, a reorganization of thought, and a reconstruction of dreams. 宽恕是希望的重生,思想的重组,梦想的重建。

Actually rebirth is a sort of changing also just like the next life of you and me. 轮回也是一种变化,如同你我的前世和今生。

ACE warm hint: it is necessary for creating new future to hold a self-improvement courage and rebirth determination. ACE温馨提示:创造新的未来,我们需要的是自我改革的勇气与再生的决心。

Their doom symbolizes their rebirth. 两人的毁灭,象徵一切重生。

That is the whole eastern idea of rebirth. 这就是东方理念中的重生的意思。

The eternal cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth. 出生,遭遇,死亡和重生的轮回。

These stories tell us about the collapse and rebirth of a vast empire in a universe of the future. 这些故事给我们讲述了未来宇宙中的一大帝国的瓦解与复兴。

From the great image of sunrise at low tide we can recall the ageless idea or archetype of rebirth; 低潮之时,日出的伟大意象里,我们可以回想起所有那些永恒的不分时代的关于重生的原型;

The disease and decay equate to the thought-form of birth, death and rebirth. 疾病和溃烂等同于出生、死亡和再生的思想形态。

And yet, it is also my rebirth that will soon begin! 却也是我的新生期快开始了!



a spiritual enlightenment causing a person to lead a new life

Synonym:conversionspiritual rebirth

the revival of learning and culture


a second or new birth


after death the soul begins a new cycle of existence in another human body


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