n.女裙; (连衣裙、外衣等的)下摆; (车辆或机器基座的)挡板,裙板
v.环绕…的四周; 位于…的边缘; 沿…的边缘走; 绕开,回避(话题)
女裙a piece of clothing for a woman or girl that hangs from the waist
a long/short/straight/pleated, etc. skirt 长裙、短裙、直筒裙、百褶裙等
(连衣裙、外衣等的)下摆the part of a dress, coat, etc. that hangs below the waist
(车辆或机器基座的)挡板,裙板an outer covering or part used to protect the base of a vehicle or machine
the rubber skirt around the bottom of a hovercraft气垫船底部四周的橡胶围裙
环绕…的四周;位于…的边缘;沿…的边缘走to be or go around the edge of sth
They followed the road that skirted the lake.他们顺着湖边公路走。
I skirted around the field and crossed the bridge.我沿着田边走,又经过了那座桥。
绕开,回避(话题)to avoid talking about a subject, especially because it is difficult or embarrassing
He carefully skirted the issue of where they would live.他小心地避开了他们将住在何处这个问题。
She tactfully skirted around the subject of money.她巧妙地避口不提钱的事。
裙子;短裙A skirt is a piece of clothing worn by women and girls. It fastens at the waist and hangs down around the legs.
VERB 位于…的边缘;位于…的外围;围绕Something that skirts an area is situated around the edge of it.We raced across a large field that skirted the slope of a hill.我们从山坡下的一大片田地里飞奔而过。
VERB 沿着…的边缘走;沿着…的外围走;绕着…走If you skirt something, you go around the edge of it.We shall be skirting the island on our way...我们将一路环岛而行。
She skirted round the edge of the room to the door.她贴着房间的墙边走到了门口。VERB 避开,回避(困难、问题等)If you skirt a problem or question, you avoid dealing with it.He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement...他避开了最棘手的问题,将精力集中于有可能达成一致的领域。
He skirted round his main differences with her.他避开了和她之间的主要分歧。双语例句
She clutches the sides of her skirt until it bunches around her waist. 她捏着裙子的两侧,直到裙子在她腰部打起了褶。
From her tiny waist a crinolined skirt cascaded in three deep tiers. 裙架撑起的三层大裥裙从她的纤腰上款款垂下。
Louisa was dancing, spinning by herself, her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet 路易莎打着圈儿翩翩起舞,裙摆时而肆意飞扬,时而盘绕脚边。
Liz sat down on the bed, lowering herself carefully so as not to crease her skirt. 莉兹小心翼翼地坐在床上,生怕把裙子弄皱。
She suddenly raised her arms and spun, so the dress's full skirt fanned out in a bright circle 她突然举起双臂旋转起来,连衣裙的裙身呈圆形完全展开,明艳照人。
Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night breeze. 她的雪纺裙在晚风中飘动着。
My wedding dress has a very full skirt. 我结婚礼服的裙摆很宽松。
Gather the skirt at the waist. 在裙子的腰部打褶。
Isabel had on a simple jumper and skirt. 伊莎贝尔穿着素净的针织套衫和裙子。
She idly pulled at a loose thread on her skirt. 她无聊地扯着裙子上一根松掉的线头。
This woman wore seamed nylons and kept smoothing her skirt. 这个女士穿着长筒尼龙缝袜,不停地把裙子弄平整。
She was wearing a white ruffled blouse and a blue velvet skirt. 她穿着一件有花边的白色上衣和一条蓝色天鹅绒裙子。
We raced across a large field that skirted the slope of a hill. 我们从山坡下的一大片田地里飞奔而过。
We shall be skirting the island on our way 我们将一路环岛而行。
She skirted round the edge of the room to the door. 她贴着房间的墙边走到了门口。
He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement 他避开了最棘手的问题,将精力集中于有可能达成一致的领域。
He skirted round his main differences with her. 他避开了和她之间的主要分歧。
The thin wind snatched at her skirt. 一阵小风呼地吹起了她的裙子。
She wore a thick tartan skirt and a red cashmere sweater. 她穿了一条厚厚的格子呢裙和一件红色羊绒衫。
a woman, smartly turned out in patterned skirt and green top. 穿着花格裙和绿色上装、打扮得漂漂亮亮的女子
This skirt is in poor shape. 这条裙子真不像样。
The skirt comes just below my knees. 这条裙子刚过膝。
Her long skirt was trailing along the floor. 她的长裙拖在地板上。
Her skirt got caught on a nail. 她的裙子给钉子挂住了。
Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width. 裙子每条皱折的宽度应该完全一样。
Don't always try to skirt round difficulties. 你不要一遇困难就绕道走。
This skirt needs letting in at the waist. 这条裙子的腰身需要缩小。
The edge of her skirt caught on a nail. 她的裙边给钉子钩住了。
The skirt and the blouse match well. 这件裙子和衬衣很相称。
a garment hanging from the waist
cloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist
informal terms for a (young) woman
(Fungi) a remnant of the partial veil that in mature mushrooms surrounds the stem like a collar
avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)
He dodged the issue
she skirted the problem
They tend to evade their responsibilities
he evaded the questions skillfully
Synonym:hedgefudgeevadeput offcircumventparryeludedodgeducksidestep
extend on all sides of simultaneously
The forest surrounds my property
pass around or about
The boat skirted the coast
form the edge of
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