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Lesson 1

1:Sunday is a good day for students to catch up on back reading and otherassignments.

2:A good plan must be a little flexible because it“s easier to re-plan thetime and make certain changers when necssary.

3:When you work out your schedule ,try to include at least two study hourseach day .This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up todate on your class assignments.

4:Time is tricky because it is difficult to control and easy to waste.

5:Wasting time is like drug because the more time you waste,the easier it isto go on wasting time.

6:Some solid work each day is preferable to many study hours one day andnothing the next.

7:When you plan time for study ,be realistic,because you should allow forunexpected things ,Otherwise your entire plan may be upset.

8:How much study time you plan for each classroom hour depends on yourability,the difficulty of the class ,the grades you hope to achieve and how wellyou use your study time.

9:In the text the time message ,the author thinks that a good plan must be alittle flexible so that special projects can be done well.

Lesson 2

1:It is one thing to act in plays ,another to write them .The prince told theboy to learn a useful trade like shoemaking.

2:Adersen took what little money he had,said good-bye to his mother and hisstepfather and started out to seek his fortune.

3:A young lady ordered a pair of red shoes ,When she refused to pay for them,unhappiness filled the poor shoemaker“s house.From that small trgedy and thestory of the dancing fairy ,the shoemader“s son years later wrote the story themillions of people now know as the Red Shoes.

4:The genius of Andersen is that he put so much of everyday life into thewonder of his fairy tales.

5:One day a music teacher heard him singing and decided to help him .Hecollected money from his friends and gave it to the boy so that he could buyfood and clothing while he studied singing.

6:In the ugly duckling ,andersen told the story of his own life.

Lesson 3

1:Hans Christian lived in an attic in an old house ,where he had a good viewof the city.

2:There was one big fact that he could not see right under his own nose .Theplays and poetry that he wrote were not very good.

3:The good collin family all loved him ,but they advise him not to write anymore poetry and plays ,and to try to get a government job .

4:When his first book of fairy tales was published in 1835,Andersen didn“tthink it would be successful,but children read the stories and wanted more.

5:Andersen“s books were full of everyday truth ,of wonder ,of sad beauty ,ofhumor.

6:Even in a child“s toy lost in the street ,he could see some story with thelight of gold in it .

7:All of us laugh at the humor of The Emperor“s New Clothes,but we rememberthe story every time men pretend to be something that they are not.

8:His books were translated into many different languages and read all overthe world.


1:The first time when sidney was on a stage ,the director told him to readthe past of “John” in the script

2:The director told sidney to get off the stage because he didn“t even knowhow to read.

3:When he was walking down the steet ,sidney came to realized he couldn“tread and he thought if he was going to be a dishwasher for the rest of his life,he would not be able to make people notice him.

4:When he tried to read newspaper ,his main problem was that he often ranacross a lot of words he didn“t understand.

5:Sidney learned from the old jewish man not only how to read ,but that if aperson works on something ,he must work hard on it .

6:Sidney have never been able to thand the man because he never know thenwhat an enornous contribution he was making to his life.

7:It was my custom to sit out near the kitchen door and read thenewspaper.

8:When the old man sat down for his meal ,I would come out of the kitchen andsit down next to him and read articles from the front page of the paper.

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