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n.恢复; 更新; 重新开始; (对合同等的)有效期延长,展期,续订; 改进; 复兴; 振兴




恢复;更新;重新开始a situation in which sth begins again after a pause or an interruption

a renewal of interest in traditional teaching methods对传统教学法重新产生兴趣

(对合同等的)有效期延长,展期,续订,更新the act of making a contract, etc. valid for a further period of time after it has finished

The lease comes up for renewal at the end of the month.本租约到月底需要办理展期。

the renewal date更新日期

更新;改进;复兴;振兴a situation in which sth is replaced, improved or made more successful

economic renewal经济复兴

urban renewal (= the act of improving the buildings, etc. in a particular area) 市区改造


N-SING (活动或状态的)恢复,重新开始,复兴If there is a renewal of an activity or a situation, it starts again.They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations...他们将讨论恢复外交关系的可能性。

Is he really considering a renewal of hostilities at this stage?他真的在考虑在这个阶段恢复敌对状态吗?

N-VAR (执照、合同等的)续签,延期The renewal of a document such as a licence or a contract is an official increase in the period of time for which it remains valid.His contract came up for renewal...他的合同该续签了。

The premium should be received in this office within fourteen days of the renewal date.保险费用需在14天的续约期内交到此办公室。

N-UNCOUNT 恢复;更新;再生;重建Renewal of something lost, dead, or destroyed is the process of it growing again or being replaced....urban renewal and regeneration...城市改造和重建

Now it is spring, a time of renewal.现在是春天,万物重生的季节。


The post was for one year in the first instance with possible renewal to a further year. 该岗位初始为一年期,有可能会再续聘一年。

There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education 从事高等教育的人员新老更替极其缓慢。

Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions. 亲爱的考克斯夫人,关于房屋保险一事,我们的文件显示尚未收到您的续保通知。

They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations 他们将讨论恢复外交关系的可能性。

Is he really considering a renewal of hostilities at this stage? 他真的在考虑在这个阶段恢复敌对状态吗?

His contract came up for renewal 他的合同该续签了。

The premium should be received in this office within fourteen days of the renewal date. 保险费用需在14天的续约期内交到此办公室。

Now it is spring, a time of renewal. 现在是春天,万物重生的季节。

He is leading a land renewal and economic development program in oaxaca, mexico. 他在墨西哥渥尔亚卡领导土地修复和经济发展项目。

In this paper, we consider the dual version of renewal risk model with random income. 研究了随机收入的更新风险模型的对偶情况;

We are providing planned repair and renewal activities for our partners, to increase continuously our service levels. 我公司可为合作伙伴提供计划性维修和更新服务以连续提高我们的服务水平。

Petersburg has become a symbol of the country's feature and its renewal. 圣彼得堡已经成为这个国家的特色和复兴的一个标志。

Can I delete a renewal term? 我可以删除续约(续费)期限吗?

But it lacks the corresponding renewal mechanism for routes in the route cache. 它的一个缺陷是对路由缓存中的路由缺乏相应的更新机制。

They also design multifunctional areas for urban renewal projects, college campuses, industrial parks and new towns. 他们还为市区重建项目,大学校园,工业园区和新城镇设计的多功能领域。

Next year's presidential election offers a chance for renewal. 明年的总统大选提供了革新的机会。

This may sound impressive but the need for a more urgent and systematic approach to urban renewal is undeniable. 这听起来可能会给人留下深刻的印象,但不可否认,需要一个更为紧迫和系统化的城市重建方法。

His contract is coming up for renewal. 他的合同快到续订期了。

At that point, I decided for him and chose to utilize the loan renewal clause. 在这一点上,我决定为他选择了利用贷款续期的条文。

Poor community renewal is the key problem in Chinas urban development. 贫民社区的更新是我国城市发展中急需解决的问题之一。

This paper analyzes the contract for the sale of international trade in goods and characteristics of the concept of fraud, the renewal of its in-depth legal analysis and economic analysis. 本文分析了国际货物贸易买卖合同欺诈的概念和特征,续而对其进行了深入的法律分析和经济分析。

Recently there has been a renewal of interest in environmental issues. 最近人们又重新开始对环境问题感兴趣了。

A guarantee product tactics model based on renewal theory is established in this paper. 本文运用更新报酬理论,建立了产品保修策略模型。

What is the term of registration and renewal? 注册和续约(续费)的期限是多长?

The group put forward an imaginative urban renewal scheme. 该团体提出了一份富有想象力的城市改建方案。

I sent in a request for renewal of my subscription. 我提出了续订的申请。

But for others, it can also be a time for personal growth and renewal. 但是,对另一些人来说,那也许是一个个人成长和再生的时期。

This is the time of completion and renewal. 现在是结束更新的时侯。

The new skyscraper was part of the urban renewal scheme. 新的摩天大楼是市区重建计划的一部分。

This is a delightful story of continuity and renewal and of the importance and power of nature. 这是一个连续性和重新开始更是重要自然生命力的故事。



the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation


the act of renewing

filling again by supplying what has been used up


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