n.叶; 叶片; 叶子; 有…状叶的; 有…片叶的; (纸)页,张; (尤指书的)页
叶;叶片;叶子a flat green part of a plant, growing from a stem or branch or from the root
lettuce/cabbage/oak leaves莴苣 / 卷心菜 / 橡树叶
The trees are just coming into leaf .树木正好在长叶子。
the dead leaves of autumn/the fall秋天的枯叶
有…状叶的;有…片叶的having leaves of the type or number mentioned
a four-leaf clover四叶车轴草
a broad-leaved plant阔叶植物
(纸)页,张;(尤指书的)页a sheet of paper, especially a page in a book
薄金属片;(尤指金或银)箔metal, especially gold or silver, in the form of very thin sheets
gold leaf金箔
活动桌板;折叠桌板a part of a table that can be lifted up or pulled into position in order to make the table bigger
See also: In the garden, the leaves of the horse chestnut had already fallen... The Japanese maple that stands across the drive had just come into leaf. -leaved
N-COUNT (书)页A leaf is one of the pieces of paper of which a book is made.He flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.他把包装纸压平,夹在书里。
PHRASE 师法;效法;以(某人)为榜样If you take a leaf from someone's book you behave in the same way as them because you want to be like that person or as successful as they are.Maybe we should take a leaf out of Branson's book. It's easy to see how he became a billionaire...也许我们应该效法布兰森。我们都不难看出他是怎样成为亿万富翁的。
PHRASE 重新开始;洗心革面;改过自新If you say that you are going to turn over a new leaf, you mean that you are going to start to behave in a better or more acceptable way.He realized he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf.他认识到自己错了,答应改过自新。
PHRASE (因寒冷、恐惧等)浑身发抖,抖如落叶If you say that someone is shaking like a leaf, you mean that their body is shaking a lot, for instance because they are very cold or frightened.I didn't think about the danger at the time. Afterwards I was shaking like a leaf.我那时候没想到有危险,事后我吓得直发抖。
Side shoots should be cut back to one leaf above the basal cluster. 应将旁枝剪至主串上一叶高处
Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort. 幸运的是,干清扫落叶这个活儿是值得的。
The paper on the walls was pale gold, embossed with swirling leaf designs. 墙纸是淡黄色的,上面饰以漩涡状叶片凸起图案。
This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of the landscape. 这项协议不过是块遮羞布而已,用来掩盖对自然景观的持续破坏。
In the garden, the leaves of the horse chestnut had already fallen 花园里,七叶树已经落叶了。
The Japanese maple that stands across the drive had just come into leaf. 车道对面那棵鸡爪枫刚吐新叶。
Maybe we should take a leaf out of Branson's book. It's easy to see how he became a billionaire 也许我们应该效法布兰森。我们都不难看出他是怎样成为亿万富翁的。
He realized he was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf. 他认识到自己错了,答应改过自新。
I didn't think about the danger at the time. Afterwards I was shaking like a leaf. 我那时候没想到有危险,事后我吓得直发抖。
I was shaking all over, trembling like a leaf 我像风中的落叶一样浑身发抖。
A leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Tai--have one's view of the important overshadowed by the trivial.; A single leaf before the eye blacks out the view of a mountain. 一叶蔽目,不见泰山。
The leaf is oval in shape. 叶呈椭圆形。
One leaf is missing from this book. 这本书缺了一篇儿。
These trees come into leaf in February. 这些树二月里长叶子。
The leaf is a factory for carbohydrate production. 叶子是产生碳水化合物的工厂。
He took up the stamp album and opened it at the fly leaf. 他拿起集邮簿,翻到扉页。
The fall of one leaf is enough to tell coming of autumn. 一叶知秋。
A leaf of a boat drifts along with the waves. 一叶扁舟在随波浮漾。
This sudden warmth is bringing all the trees into leaf. 天气突然变暖,所有的树都长出了叶子。
Leaf veins distribute food and water throughout the leaf. 叶脉把养料和水分分配给整张叶子。
The dry seeds ruptures and the green leaf uncurls. 干燥的种子裂开了,绿色的叶子舒展开来了。
I just added a leaf mesh to the stone cluster and re-made all the steps. 我只是增加了一个网,以石叶簇和再制造的所有步骤。
The trees were already in leaf. 这些树已经长出了树叶。
The antioxidative and antimicrobial activities of ethanolic extract from lotus leaf were studied. 以荷叶乙醇提取物为材料,研究其抗氧化性和抑菌作用。
The investigation was done about incidence of gray leaf spot of maize in Heilongjiang province. 对玉米灰斑病在黑龙江省的发生情况进行了调查。
Go through the stacks or bundles of cured leaves and strip out the main leaf stem from each leaf. 通过堆叠或治愈叶束和剥离出每片叶子的主要的叶茎。
Ginkgo leaf has certain medicinal function and health care function. 银杏叶具有一定的药用作用和保健功能。
The occurrence and control of Eucalyptus red leaf are discussed in this paper. 概述了桉红叶病的发生原因和防治方法。
It's lost its prey under the leaf. 它丢掉了猎物在叶子之下。
A leaf fell from the tree. 一片叶子从树上落了下来。
leaf through
1. 翻阅;浏览
leaf through sth
匆匆翻阅;浏览to quickly turn over the pages of a book, etc. without reading them or looking at them carefully
lettuce/cabbage/oak leaves莴苣 / 卷心菜 / 橡树叶
The trees are just coming into leaf .树木正好在长叶子。
the dead leaves of autumn/the fall秋天的枯叶
take a leaf from/out of sb's book
效仿,模仿(成功之人的举止和行为)to copy sb's behaviour and do things in the same way that they do, because they are successful
turn over a new leaf
改恶从善;重新做人to change your way of life to become a better, more responsible person
hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book)
the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants
produce leaves, of plants
turn over pages
leaf through a book
leaf a manuscript
look through a book or other written material
He thumbed through the report
She leafed through the volume
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