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来源: 时间:2024-08-20 12:46:47 浏览量:

v.包租(飞机、船等); 特许设立; 给予…特权; 发给许可证(或凭照)



N-COUNT 章程;宪章A charter is a formal document describing the rights, aims, or principles of an organization or group of people....Article 50 of the United Nations Charter.《联合国宪章》第50款

...the Social Charter of workers' rights.保障劳工权利的《社会宪章》

ADJ (飞机或船只)包租的,包用的A charter plane or boat is one which is hired for use by a particular person or group and which is not part of a regular service....the last charter plane carrying out foreign nationals.运送外国侨民出境的最后一架包机

...frequent charter flights to Spain.到西班牙的定期包机航班

VERB (个人、团体)包租,租用(飞机、船只等)If a person or organization charters a plane, boat, or other vehicle, they hire it for their own use.He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland...他包了架喷气式飞机把她从加利福尼亚送回瑞士家里。

Yesterday, a cargo ship chartered by the UN arrived in the capital carrying 1,550 tons of rice.昨天,一艘联合国租用的货船到达首都,船上载有1,550吨大米。

PHRASE 对…的纵容(或怂恿)If you describe a decision or policy as a charter for someone or something you disapprove of, you mean that it is likely to help or encourage them.They described the Home Office scheme as a 'charter for cheats'...他们称内政部的方案是“对诈骗的纵容”。

They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education.他们谴责白皮书是在怂恿中央集权和精英教育。


A: Do you do any chartering? 你们租船吗?

The letter authorized Klimax to engage in chartering business on behalf of Brilliant. 这封信授权科利马克代表光辉开展租赁业务。

At present we have on oil tanker for chartering service. 眼下我们没有油轮可租。

By far the largest number of time chartering are fixed on the basis of the NYPE Charter Party. 到目前为止大量的定期租船都是以土产格式作为合同样本的基础。

Besides Guangzhou, the horse boat is in Beijing, Shanghai, there are offices in Xiamen, and some places at home offer service of chartering plane. 除广州外,马航在北京,上海,厦门设有办事处,并在国内的一些地方提供包机服务。

We will take the responsibility of chartering a ship. 我们可以负责租船装运。

We prefer to have the China National Chartering Corporation take care of the shipping. 我们想让中国租船公司负责租船装运。

Undertake the customs declaration, inspection declaration, transportation and chartering ship and booking cargo space and other gate-to gate service. 承办进出口集装箱货物的报关、检、输,租船订舱等门到门服务。

The buyer is responsible for chartering a ship or booking the shipping space. 你们买方负责租订船只舱位。

Now our company has a batch of employees who are proficient in and good at chartering and brokering, they are all elites of operating business of shipment. 公司建立了科学的管理机制,聚集一批专业化的海运人才,他们有多年的海运经历,精通租船业务,善于沟通,勤于工作,是航运界的精英。

China national chartering corporation. 中国租船公司。

China Ocean Shipping Company Chartering Department 中国远洋运输总公司租船部

What is fixed chartering contract? 什么是定期租船合同?

The dedicated business conduct regulator would be responsible for vigorously protecting consumers and investors, through its regulation of disclosures, business practices, chartering and licensing of certain types of financial institutions and rigorous enforcement programmes. 商业行为专门监管机构的责任是大力保护消费者和投资者的利益,途径包括监管信息披露、商业行为、某些类型金融机构的特许和许可,以及应用严格的执行程序。

Through cooperation of slot chartering, shipping alliance develops superiority of scale economics, provides good quality service, enhances competitive ability and makes more benefits than before. 航运联盟之间通过箱位资源的合作,发挥规模经济的优势,提供优质服务,提高竞争能力,使联盟方获得比原来更大的利益。

The said driver is still a member of Party A, and Party B is only entitled to dispatch the driver during the chartering term; 上述驾驶员仍为甲方的职工,乙方仅在合同有效期内有权调派此驾驶员。

BAA aims to derive most of its revenue from managing and chartering private jets. BAA打算通过私人飞机管理和租赁业务赚取大部分收入。

A freighter slipped by, heading seaward. China Ocean Shipping Company Chartering Department 一艘货船朝着海洋方向驶去。中国远洋运输总公司租船部

There is very little research that that chartering or bringing in an outside management company may get you better results. 没有研究表明,特许或引入外界的管理公司就可以获得更好的效果。

He plans to present a number of options for chartering buses. 他准备提供有关包租巴士的多种选择。

The number of families chartering aircraft to fly to summer camps has also dramatically increased over the past year, with one private jet company, Blue Star Jets, reporting a 30 per cent rise in camp-travel related profits. 过去一年里,包机飞往夏令营营地的家庭也明显增多。私人飞机公司&蓝星航空公司(BlueStarJets)表示,与宿营旅游业务相关的利润增长了30%。

Companies such as Cosco often sell FFAs to cover the risk that they might have to sub-charter vessels at lower rates than they are themselves chartering them. 中远这样的企业经常卖出远期运费协议,以覆盖不得不以低于自己租船的费率转租船舶的风险。

During subsequent phases of multi-phase projects, the Develop Project Charter process validates the decisions made during the original chartering of the project. 在多阶段项目的以后各阶段,制定项目章程过程的作用是验证原来为项目制定与颁发章程所做的各种决定。

But there are few articles relating to chartering brokerage, especially on the study of it. 目前介绍有关租船经纪业务的文章很少,对它的理论研究就更少了。

Article 8 The building, reconstruction or chartering of a fishing boat to be used by a fishery person in operating fishery shall be subject to the approval of the competent authority. 第8条渔业人经营渔业使用渔船者,其渔船之建造、改造或租赁,应经主管机关许可。

The company did not authorize the sixth business department to do chartering business. 公司并没有授权第六业务部门开展租赁业务。

It is universal now that ship owners and charterers do business through chartering brokers. 文章将租船经纪人分为船东经纪人、租船人经纪人、双方当。

Chartering a professionally crewed yacht costs up to a million dollars a week, so some billionaires prefer to buy their own. 包租一艘配备专业船员的游艇,每周的费用高达100万美元,因此一些亿万富翁宁愿自己买一艘。

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