表示倍数时,一倍用once,两倍 用twice/double,三倍以上用“基数词+ times”。
1)“倍数 + as many/much … as …”
My deskmate clamed to have twice as many stamps as I.我同桌声称他的邮票是我的两倍。
This computer costs three times as much as that one.这台计算机的价格是那台的三倍。
2)“倍数 + the size of …”
Our playground is five times the size of theirs.我们的操场是他们的五倍大。
This street is twice/double the width of that one.这条大街是那条大街的两倍宽。
3)“倍数 + what从句”
The value of the house is double what it was.这所房子的价值是原来的两倍。
People’s average income is almost five times what they earned ten years ago.人们的平均收入是十年前的五倍。
4)“倍数 + 比较级 + than”
The room is twice larger than ours.这间房子比我们的房子大两倍。
This ball seats three times more people than that one.这个大厅能坐的人数是那个大厅的四倍。
5)“比较级 + than … + by + 倍数/程度”
The line is longer than that one by twice.这根线是那根线的两倍长。
The population of China is larger than that of the US by over 6 times. 中国人口是美国人口的六倍多
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