offer letter
This graduation rate, while impressive, is diminished by the fact that these same women are paid less than men for the exact same job, starting the moment they sign their first offer letter. 这个数据很令人赞叹,但是,由于这些女性从她们签第一份就业合同起就比赚得比从事同样工作的男性少,冲淡了这个数字的意义。
We are sorry that that e are not able to offer you the infomation you request the letter of February2nd. 我方不能提供闺房再月日的来信所要求的信息,很抱歉。
The president said there was no offer of action in the letter. 他说,信里没有提到采取什么行动。
The dream job with the friendly boss who has an open-door policy might turn into a nightmare as soon as you sign the offer letter. 一份拥有采取开放政策的好上司的理想工作也许在你签下合同后就成了一场噩梦。
What a contrast did it offer to his last address in Rosings Park, when he put his letter into her hand! 上次他在罗新斯花园里交给她那封信的时候,他那种措词跟今天成了怎样的对比!
The next day, I received the offer letter in the mail. 第二天,我收到了IBM邮寄来的工作邀请。
Offer to help – but don't beg an employer for experience Don't use your covering letter to tell a sob story about why you need a job to give you experience – however desperate you feel. 7提供帮助-但不求雇主经验不要用你的求职信来讲诉一个关于你需要一份工作来给予你经验的哽咽故事,不论你多么绝望。
To open a bank account, you need the following: Passport, Unconditional Offer Letter ( original documents only) and confirmation of your UK address and your home ( overseas) address. 开户时,你需要下列东西:护照、无条件录取通知书(原件)以及你在英国住址和海外家庭地址的证明。
Iranian state media said Tuesday Saeed Jalili made the offer in a letter to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who is representing the six powers. 伊朗国营媒体星期二说,贾利利在发给欧盟外交政策负责人阿什顿的信函中提出上述建议。阿什顿是六大国的代表。
The offer was first made in a private letter to BEA's board delivered early this week. Oracle的报价是在上周早些时候以密函的形式提交给BEA董事会的。
Successful applicants will receive the offer letter by mail. 获录取的新生,将另函通知。
Yes, if you have evidence that you have already met the conditions of your offer letter you can apply for the visa. 是的,如果您能证明已经达到学校录取的条件您可以申请签证。
Offer a special discount to customers who bring the letter in to your business, or include a gift certificate. 对持该信函与您开展业务的客户提供特殊折扣,或提供礼品证书。
Where an offer is made by a letter or a telegram, the period for acceptance commences on the date shown on the letter or the date on which the telegram is handed in for dispatch. 要约以信件或者电报作出的,承诺期限自信件载明的日期或者电报交发之日开始计算。
If you decide to accept the offer, please pay the deposit as stated on the Letter of Offer. 如果你决定接受录取信,请按照录取信中规定的交付保证金。
The next step is to take the job offer letter and the signed I-20 to the Social Security office where application is made for a Social Security Number. 下一步就是带着聘用信和签过字的I-20表格到社会保障处申请社会安全号码。
If the medical check-up result shows your health condition cannot meet the requirements of labor law or our company, the offer letter will be cancelled immediately without any compensation. 如体检证明不符合劳动法或公司所要求的劳动健康标准,此聘任书即时取消,且公司将不作出任何补偿。
For students living in university-owned houses, you need to bring with you your Accommodation Offer Letter to confirm your UK address. 如果你住学校提供的宿舍,你必需出示住宿证明来证实你的英国住址。
But the bank pointed to Mr Keen's original employment offer letter and said it had been under no obligation to create a bonus pool at all. 但银行方面拿出基恩先生的原始雇佣函,表示银行没有任何义务单设奖金。
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