Moral Education的意思
Moral Education 是什么意思及中文翻译:
Moral Education 相关例句
Moral education and guides the philosophy that moral education educates.
Lack of Moral Education and Construction of Practicality Mode of Moral Education
On Surpassing of Intersubjective Moral Education over Tradition and Modern Moral Education
Optimizing the Environment of Moral Education to Construct the Atmosphere of Moral Education
优化德育环境营造德育氛围 关于整体育德的几点思考
Moral education should be carried by moral practice and lay press on education to real life.
Education for this, the moral education first, moral education is the basic task of the education.
育人为本, 德育为先, 立德树人是教育的根本任务。
The Analysis of the Subjectification of Moral Education Object and Objectification of Moral Education Subject
Just as filial piety being the most basic moral quality, filial piety education is the most basic moral education.
Third, attach importance to the substantial results of moral education, and promote the school moral education to ameliorate and innovate.
第三, 注重德育实效, 积极改进和创新学校德育工作。
Perspective of the Choice of the School Moral Education Ways From the Changes of the Relationship Between Moral Education and Intellectual Education
从德, 智关系的演变看学校德育途径的选择
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