carry on
时间:2024-08-20 13:34:43
美 ['kæriː ɑːn] 英 ['kærɪ ɒn]
carry on
Verbdirect the course of; manage or control;
"You cannot conduct business like this"
keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last;
"preserve the peace in the family"
"continue the family tradition"
"Carry on the old traditions"
continue talking;
"I know it's hard,"
"but there is no choice"
"carry on--pretend we are not in the room"
misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way;
"The children acted up when they were not bored"
carry on近义词
romp persevere operate wage handle continue conduct bear on uphold act up deal go on proceed preserve
carry on
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