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来源: 时间:2024-08-20 14:48:48 浏览量:

n.监督人; 指导者; 主管人




监督人;指导者;主管人a person who supervises sb/sth

I have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic.我要就我的研究课题同导师见一次面。


N-COUNT (尤指工人或学生的)管理者,监督者,指导者A supervisor is a person who supervises activities or people, especially workers or students....a full-time job as a supervisor at a factory...在一家工厂担任主管的全职工作

Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation.每个学生都有导师指导他们写论文。


Each student has a supervisor to advise on the writing of the dissertation. 每个学生都有导师指导他们写论文。

We wanted to be here early in case the whatsit, maintenance supervisor had forgotten to deal with it 我们想早点儿到这儿,以防那个什么维修主管忘了处理这件事。

Sylvia does not get on with the supervisor and the danger is that he will trump up some charge to discredit her. 西尔维亚与主管人相处得不好,因而害怕他会捏造一些罪名使她名誉扫地。

The salesgirl said she would have to consult the supervisor about the matter. 女售货员说关于这件事她得请示主管人。

A supervisor in enterprise need to be familiar with running method. 企业的管理者要谙熟经略之法。

A supervisor user can be a Team Manager for one or more teams. 一个主管用户可以是一个或多个团队的TeamManager。

And then my supervisor said, Not yet, but she might marry the next one. 而我的导师说:不着急,她也许会和下一个结婚。

There's no reason to discuss your career status with anyone other than your supervisor or the HR department. 除了你的上司和人力资源部的同事外,你不需要和其他人讨论你在公司里的地位。

Can I talk to a supervisor? 我能和管理人说说吗?

I have a good relationship with my supervisor. 我和我的主管的关系不错。

Observing this was my supervisor, who called me over. 看到这个,我的主管把我叫了过去。

Just think of me as a supervisor. 你就把我当作一个监督员好了。

You can confirm that with your supervisor on your own time. 你有时间可以自己和你的主管确认。

Organize, guide, inspect and supervise supervisor's work; 对监理员的工作进行组织、指导、检查和监督。

My supervisor appraises me as conscientious and responsible in work. 导师对我的工作的评价是一丝不苟,认真负责。

The project manager shall appoint the security director and security supervisor as the Emergency Coordinator and Assistant Emergency Coordinator. 项目经理任命安全主任和安全监督员为紧急协调员和助理紧急协调员。

I'm an Accounting Supervisor. 我是一个会计主管。

What was your supervisor like to work for? 你对主管对你的工作是如何期望的?

I shall tell my supervisor. 我将告诉我的楼层管家。

You were only doing what your supervisor told you to do. 你只是做了你上司吩咐你做的事而已。

I have also attached an original invitation letter from my supervisor to prove our agreement of my study. 我也附上了我导师去年给我的邀请信的原件,以证实我们关于学习的协议。

When I talked to your supervisor. 我和你上司说的时候。

A supervisor in a research center. 在一个研究中心的管理人。

I'm wondering if I'm better off speaking with your supervisor. 我在想是不是我和你的上司说了会更好。

Understand the supervisor's role in employee development. 理解员工人员发展中主管的角色。

I was a supervisor at the kgb. 我在克格勃是一个主管。

My supervisor has a very direct, open and honest way of speaking. 我的领导有一个非常直接、开放和诚实的说话方法。

Interviewer's thoughts: Could he work with me as a supervisor? 招聘者意见:我是监管者的话,他能和我相处得很好吗?

Yes, I served as a research assistant to my supervisor. 我为我的导师当研究助理。

I don't think my supervisor has given me a fair shake. 我认为我的上司对我不公平。



a program that controls the execution of other programs

Synonym:supervisory programexecutive program

one who supervises or has charge and direction of

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