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来源: 时间:2024-08-20 14:51:33 浏览量:

n.小海湾; 小港湾; 小河; 小溪




小海湾;小港湾a narrow area of water where the sea flows into the land

小河;小溪a small river or stream


小海湾;小港湾A creek is a narrow place where the sea comes a long way into the land.

N-COUNT 小河;小溪A creek is a small stream or river.Follow Austin Creek for a few miles.沿着奥斯汀河走上几英里。

处于困境(或窘境);犯错误If someone is up the creek, they are in a bad or difficult situation, or are wrong in some way. You can also say that someone is up the creek without a paddle .


Follow Austin Creek for a few miles. 沿着奥斯汀河走上几英里。

They'll spend some time floating boats in the creek. 他们打算花些时间在溪流里放船模。。

I can hardly believe it's been over eight years since you used to go camping at Cedar Creek 我几乎无法相信现在距离你过去常常去松溪露营的日子已经有8年多了。

He was transferred to Shoal Creek Mental Institution for an indefinite period 他被转到了肖尔溪精神病院,要在那里无限期地呆下去。

It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek 我们到达拉隆溪时天还没黑。

One evening, crossing a small creek, he pulled the car off the road. 一天傍晚,他驶过一条小溪后把车停在了路边。

They used to take off their clothes and go skinny dipping in the creek. 他们以前常常脱了衣服在小河里裸泳。

I'll be up the creek if I don't pass this history test. 我若不能通过这次历史考试,麻烦可就大了。

She drove the pigs down to the Creek for a bath. 她把猪赶到小河里去洗澡。

The rubbish had dammed up the creek so that it had overflowed. 垃圾堵塞了河流,致使溪水外溢。

Marine plants and animals were dying, and the water in one creek had turned black. 水生动植物不断地死亡,而且有一条小河中的水已经变黑了。

Oh my god, she fell in that creek. 天哪,她掉到河里了。哦,没有哦。撑住。我回来了。

They follow Little Coal Creek Trail through alpine meadows overlooking a river bright with glacial silt. 他们沿着小煤溪的小径,穿过了高山草甸,俯瞰着一条充塞着冰川泥沙的晶莹透亮的河流。

The creek looked like a shoelace, the trees looked like green toothbrushes. 小河看起来和鞋带差不多,数目看起来就像绿色的牙刷。

You can find different kinds of fish and calms in the creek. 你可以在小河中找到不同种类的鱼和蚌壳。

We saw one of them trying to wade across a creek. 我们看见他们中有一个人试图涉水过一条小溪。

She found out and I'm up shit creek. 现在老婆发现了,我现在惨了。

So our plan to catchthe Mill Creek killer was ruinedby the hollow man? 所以我们抓磨溪杀手的计划被空心人给搅了?

Where is the crane standing in the creek I can't see it. 站在溪流中的鹤在哪里我看不到!

The man had fallen into the creek and had sprained his ankle. 那人掉进了小溪,把脚踝扭伤了。

I took the young Irish setter for a walk up the road and along a frozen creek. 我带着我那条幼小的爱尔兰犬猎犬,沿着大路和一条冰冻的小溪散步。

There is a creek behind the house in summer, I often go swimming in the creek. 屋子后面有一条小溪,夏天我常常到小溪中去游泳。

I was up the creek last month. 上个月我遭遇了险境。

"We would be neglecting our people's best interests if we opposed Otter Creek," he said. “我们将是忽视我们的人民的最佳利益,如果我们反对水獭溪,”他说。

They build dams that cause the creek to flood. 人们建造了拦堤坝,导致小溪里的水泛滥成灾。

Their daughter Margaret died at sand creek. 他们的女儿玛格丽特已经在桑德克里克死了。

Spent the night at Rock Creek park. 在岩溪国家公园过了一夜。

When I got to Crow Creek, Magpie was not home. I talked to his wife Amelia. 我到鸭溪时,喜鹊没在家,我和他的妻子阿米莉亚谈了谈。

I used to go down to the creek and play with frogs. 我过去常常到小溪里和青蛙玩。

The other in Rock Creek park. 另一个是在岩溪国家公园。



up the creek (without a paddle)

处于困境(或窘境)in a difficult or bad situation

I was really up the creek without my car.离了我那辆汽车真是不方便。



a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river)

the creek dried up every summer


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